Operation Counterweight | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Operation Counterweight Tag

It's not enough for Operation Counterweight to get a candidate through the primary.  We need to support the candidate immediately to keep the momentum going. Richard Mourdock is not running to the left (often mischaracterized as running to the center) one bit. Listen to this interview, which has the mainstream...

On Monday morning I noted that the mainstream media had taken not a bit of notice of Mia B. Love, or her victory at the Utah Republican convention on Saturday. No more. Yahoo News has a feature article on her, Mia Love: black, conservative, Mormon, GOP House candidate...

Just minutes ago, Mia B. Love won the Utah-04 nomination at the Utah Republican Convention.  Love received 70.5% of the vote on the second ballot, defeating Carl Wimmer who received 29.5. The result is a shock except to those of us in the blogosphere who have been...

One of my focus races is the attempt by Republican Brendan Doherty to unseat Democrat David Cicilline in RI-01, my home district. Cicilline is very unpopular due to the mess he left behind when he was the Mayor of Providence.  While Cicilline was able to hide...

There is a prime opportunity in the Indiana Republican primary to elect a solid conservative, Richard Mourdock, and to retire Obama's favorite Republican, Richard Lugar, who has an abysmal voting record. I will be supporting Mourdock, and I hope you will help with this important race. I first wrote...

I have received numerous e-mails and comments regarding Ted Cruz, running for the Republican nomination for Senate in Texas.  (added)  Since we're searching for candidates for Operation Counterweight, Cruz is just one of a number of candidates brought to my attention, in addition to Richard...

A Democratic SuperPAC just made my job of identifying House members to support as part of Operation Counterweight a whole lot easier. The new SuperPAC will target 10 Tea Party congressmen, six of whom have been identified with four to be named, via HuffPo (h/t @JazzShaw): A liberal...

Operation Counterweight commenced on June 10, 2011: Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics of the Republican insiders are going to leave me completely unexcited about the presidential campaign, and more focused on electing conservatives to Congress as a counterweight to...

I previously have posted about the RI-01 congressional race, which is my home district, a seat currently held by Democratic former Providence Mayor David Cicilline. Cicilline concealed Providence financial problems until after the 2010 election.  Cicilline ran a "scare grandma" campaign, making a tour of senior centers...

If you haven't heard of Ludmya "Mia" B. Love before, you will be hearing a lot more about her.  Mia has the potential to be the next big thing in conservative politics. And you heard about her here first! Mia is the American-born daughter of Haitian...

It has been quite a year here at Legal Insurrection. The big event was the blog format switchover in mid-June.  I'm very happy with the transition, and even happier with the new software and format.  If you need help with a new or old blog, I...

Thanks to commenter Mutnodjmet for reminding me: PS.  Just to let you know, in light of Palin’s decision, I am promoting OPERATION COUNTERWEIGHT quite heavily. The reference is to my post in early June, Commence Operation Counterweight: Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics...

Why do I have this feeling that the back-stabbing and petty politics of the Republican insiders are going to leave me completely unexcited about the presidential campaign, and more focused on electing conservatives to Congress as a counterweight to the (hoped for) new Republican President?Fight...