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Obama Foreign Policy Tag

Only a few more days of stonewalling and hurt feelings, and Obama may get away with it. If he's re-elected, it's too late to matter.  If he's not re-elected, it's too late to matter. Maybe this is a sign Benghazi is permeating the popular consciousness in time,...

I don't have a lot of time today because I'm working on something, but I did want to take note of the latest "non-leak leak maybe who knows" regarding supposed direct negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program. The NY Times reports: The United States and Iran...

In a ritual as old as the existence of the modern intelligence community, leaks are beginning to spill out protecting the CIA from having to take the fall for Obama's Libya cover-up. Via CBS News, CIA found militant links a day after Libya attack: U.S. officials tell...

The narrative is unraveling for the Obama administration. The depth of the deceit and cover up for political purposes should in itself lose the election for Obama.  But it probably won't. This complilation by The Heritage Foundation lays out the timeline of the deceit: Update: Via Babalu,...

The video below, Absolutely Uncertain (h/t @SGLawrence) already has over 800,000 views on YouTube. I understand Irina's point, the trust in Obama has been shaken, and now she is uncertain about Obama's commitment to Israel. I'm not uncertain.  I am certain that in a second term, freed...

Obama's comment about "noise" in the Middle East -- meant to refer to Israeli concerns about Iran -- has distracted from the most dangerous play in Obama's 60 Minutes interview Sunday. "Noise" was not the problem, it was that Obama set up Israeli "noise" as inconsistent with...

From friend of the blog, soon to be appointed Director of Photoshop Services, Patricia. To me, it rather brilliantly points out the problem. ...

There has been a complete lack of reality this week in our government and media. Words are not deeds.  This is especially important to remember if you're the President of the United States who has essentially talked himself into office. Behold a paragraph from President Obama’s stirring...

Well, that didn't work out so well. We cast aside Hosni Mubarak on a moment's notice without taking steps to give non-Islamist parties a timetable to organize an effective transition; we overthrew Muammar Gaddafi, teaching tyrants the lesson that giving up nuclear ambitions is a deadly...

Via Al Ahram English: Egyptian protesters on Tuesday took down the American flag from the walls of the US embassy in Cairo during a thousands-strong demonstration held to protest a short film produced by US based Coptic-Christians that critics say demeans Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. A...

Not really surprising, but there still are stupid supporters of Israel who believe that removing Jerusalem from the DNC platform was just a technical error. Via Haaretz, White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request on...

This video has been making the rounds. It's a 22-minute examination of the pattern of leaks of classified and sensitive information intended to make Obama and his administration look tough. How do you cut this down to 30 seconds so it can be run on television? I'm...

Let me be as clear as I can be.  Anyone who supports Israel must vote for Romney.  Obama, in complete control of foreign and military policy, will be unrestrained by electoral considerations in a second term, and will impose his vision of a Middle East settlement...

Via Times of Israel: Egypt will release results from disputed presidential elections Sunday, the country’s top elections commission official said — an announcement that will put an end to the country’s nerve-wracking uncertainty about who is the official winner, but promises no end to the power...

The NY Times has a lengthy article about how Obama personally is directing and approving targeted drone strikes with great frequency.  The article appears to be rich in cooperation from the administration, suggesting it is part of Obama's image making and part of the "He...