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Obama campaign Tag

The same way Ted Kennedy and John McCain did. And it's already showing results for Obama.  Mitt Romney's negatives are rising because of some initial attacks by the Obama campaign apparatus on Romney's "core" and his Wall Street connections: The Purple Poll, a survey of 12 swing...

Obama's mission is not yet completed.  He's said previously that's he's not even halfway towards where he want to take this country. Now Obama's released a video intended to inspire his supporters to give him four more years to finish the job, but a line in the...

HillaryIs44 has a good post on the Obama-lovin' media and how it covers for Obama's campaign dirty tricks. The post is in response to this statement by Ben Smith at Politico: If the catchphrase weren’t already taken, you could call Barack Obama’s signature style of negative politics...

"Teabagger" is the pejorative of choice for left-wing bloggers and an occasional Democratic politician, when trying to vilify supporters of the Tea Party movement.  It is a slang term which describes a sexual act. And it is a term used by Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor, as reported...

Via Taegen Goddard:President Obama "stopped for an undisclosed meeting with some of the entertainment industry's high-level executives" before leaving California yesterday, according to the Hollywood Reporter."The event was not a fundraiser, and attendees were not asked to donate to the Obama reelection campaign. But those...

Walter Shapiro on the risk that the GOP Just Might Nominate [Herman Cain] a Candidate Patently Unqualified to Be President: This is how presidential vetting traditionally works. The press pack pounces on the logical fallacies in a candidate’s positions and the shakiness of his resume. Party...

Victor Davis Hanson (h/t Instapundit) writes of those who were skeptical of Obama: The skeptics of 2008 proved prescient; those who demonized them should be embarrassed. I was a skeptic from Day 1: Obama may be a post-racial healer, or he may be someone who carefully uses race and false...

Obama raised $42 million for his campaign in the third quarter, plus another $27.3 million for the DNC.  Naturally, the top line $70 million joint number is being hyped. These numbers come from an Obama campaign statement, the official FEC report has not yet been released,...

At a recent Obama campaign event masquerading as a town hall, an ex-Google executive begged Obama to raise his taxes, to which Obama responded with an Elizabeth Warren-like argument: It turns out the guy was a plant by a group called the Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength,...

Aternative blog post title:  Why Jews still will vote for Obama, regardless. I know, you have a dream, that one day American Jews will judge political candidates by the content of their character not the "D" or "R" next to their names.  I told you time...

I warned you not to pay $5 for the latest Obama dinner raffle, Warning on $5 Obama dinner raffle.  Based on past performance, as the quarterly reporting date approached, Obama would drop the price. And sure enough, a reader forwarded me an e-mail with the $3 offer...

Steve Chapman, a member of the Editorial Board of The Chicago Tribune, Why Obama should withdraw (h/t HeyTammyBruce): When Ronald Reagan ran for re-election in 1984, his slogan was "Morning in America." For Barack Obama, it's more like midnight in a coal mine. The sputtering economy is about...

How sad.  Our president has been reduced to chasing demons. Obama's recent phony jobs bill which raised $400 billion in taxes on everyone making over $200,000 (couples over $250,000) apparently did not whip the masses into a pitchfork and torch frenzy, because it targeted our doctors, local...

I wonder how Hillary supporters are feeling these days.  Not too good, I imagine. Thanks to reader Lee, who writes: Spotted this in traffic the other day. You can see the red light clearly, so I was being safe… I laughed when I saw this. And here in Minnesota,...

The NY-09 and NYV-02 election results were like electroshock therapy for Democrats who worry about party before party leader, and fear a convulsion in 2012 more complete than in 2010. Imagine the election returns coming in Tuesday night as senior Democrats watched in horror, and then imagine Jack...

We've been there before, a $5 raffle for a chance to have dinner with the President of the United States. The $5 doesn't go to the government to help pay down debt, it goes to Obama's campaign.  It's a way to gin up the "small donor"...

It's trending on Twitter as the vast right-wing conspiracy collectively mocks After it was launched yesterday: There are so many to chose from, so consider this just a start: Please post links in comments, and I'll post images of some. Update:  Some from the comments and some I found: (link above) (link above) (link above)  ...