Nutroots | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 5
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That's the title of a post by Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge about Economics Professor Brad DeLong, of U.Cal Berkeley, in which Bainbridge collects links about DeLong from a variety of academic bloggers who have had the misfortune of having to deal with DeLong. I really don't...

Michael Shaw, who blogs at HuffPo, has a serious case of PDS.  Upon seeing an AP photo with a caption asserting that Sarah Palin had "her hair done during a visit to a cholera treatment center," Shaw went wild:If I find the fantastically clever Sarah Palin to...

They huff, and they puff, and they threaten to blow Obama's house down.Not the right-wingers, the left-wing "base" of the Democratic Party.  Dick Durbin is threatening that a bloc of Democrats may "walk out" on Obama by voting against his tax deal.  Mary Landrieu calls the...

Charles Krauthammer has lambasted the mainstream (i.e. liberal) media for its obsession with Sarah Palin.That goes double for liberal entertainers and academics, and triple for the left-blogosphere, which is nuts-in-the-head (that's a precise medical term in Austrian) when it comes to Palin.But this obsession is not a...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:  Cornel West is Professor of Religion and African American studies at Princeton University. West left Harvard University in 2002 amid controversy, with accusations of racism and inadequate scholarship...

Did you hear, all that talk about being fiscally conservative really is just a Cloward-Piven strategy in reverse.  Rather than overwhelming the system with debt, entitlements, welfare by another name, and dependence upon government, conservatives are seeking to underwhelm the system.With a usual flair for the dramatic, Steve...

And I'm sure he hates it too.I agree with John Cole of Balloon-Juice about the Willow Palin Facebook brush fire, Count Me Out:Yes, Willow Palin said something stupid on her facebook page. Big deal. She’s sixteen, and most of the time when a sixteen year...

I posted earlier about how left-wing bloggers deliberately misrepresented a statement issued by Eric Cantor's office about a meeting Cantor had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Glenn Greenwald accused Cantor of pledging allegiance to Israel over the U.S., and Greenwald's accusations were amplified with...

I have documented how Glenn Greenwald peddles the most rank of dual loyalty charges against American Jewish supporters of Israel, by using the phrase "Israel-Firsters."  Now Greenwald is at it again, suggesting that soon-to-be Majority Leader Eric Cantor has pledged allegiance to Israel.  Greenwald's blog...

I saw this coming from a mile away (actually, 17 months away).  I wish I had bet big money against this prediction made in June 2009:Anyone want to bet that there will be a cover story somewhere next year calling Obama the deficit killer?The prediction was...

We all know how analogies to Nazis have gone over-the-top this political season.But sometimes Godwin's law just isn't good enough.  What we need is a Hutu analogy.  The Hutus, you will recall, massacred hundreds of thousands of members of the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda in...

Once again I have a seemingly unsolvable dilemma.  If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," which one of these guys has to be my friend?Via Breitbart TV:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Greenwald Agonistes Hey Progressives, Are You Motivated Yet?The Left Brought The Wave Down On Itself Follow...

What kind of person posts a tweet like this?The same kind of person responsible for running (and still defending) the Christine O'Donnell "one night stand" story.  There is a sickness in our media, and Gawker is one of its primary homes.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Feministe: O'Donnell Getting What She Deserves...

I'm not buying all the phony expressions of outrage from left-bloggers and pundits over the Gawker article about Christine O'Donnell.From the moment she won the primary, O'Donnell was sexualized by the left with the excuse being O'Donnell's 1996 video regarding masturbation.  That 14-year old tape has...

I will not repeat all the facts in my prior posts, you are familiar by now with the scenario.  Let's just say my instincts were right on this one. As I suspected, provocateur Lauren Valle was not so innocent. In an amazing videotape obtained by Redstate, Valle is shown...

The left-blogosphere and punditry have been hoping for right-wing political violence for two years now with no success.  From Bill Sparkman to countless others, these people have been waiting for the fire to justify all the smoke they have been blowing about "extremist" and "crazy"...

And the award for the dumbest and most revealing comment from a prominent left-wing blog regarding the firing of Juan Williams goes to "DougJ" at Balloon-Juice: "Juan Williams’ firing did not happen in a vacuum.  It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox...