Morning Insurrection | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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If you receive our emails, you might have noticed that we've moved platforms. Since we launched the Legal Insurrection Foundation almost three years ago, our email and other online functions were housed with Salsa Labs. But, due to annoying circumstances beyond our control, we were thrust into the opportunity to learn an entirely new system!

Given the rapid deplatforming of Trump (who was permanently suspended from Twitter, his campaign store deplatformed, and his campaign email service cut) and his allies, and the suspension of Parler from Google's App Store (Apple is threatening Parler similarly), now seems as good a time as any to ask you to join us (if you haven't already) by signing up for our email list.

We started the Morning Insurrection newsletter in 2014. It's our daily, weekday newsletter that shows up directly in your inbox around 7 AM. Exclusive author content with a more personal bent, straight to the point, other important announcements -- you'll find them all in Morning Insurrection.

Morning Insurrection is the morning email newsletter we started in July 2014. It arrives at 7 a.m. during weekdays.


, or in the sign up boxes in the sidebar and below each post on post pages. (If you already are signed up, you don't need to do it again.) Morning Insurrection serves several purposes.

Monday through Friday you can start your day with one of the best newsletters available -- Morning Insurrection. We won't clutter your inbox with innumerable emails or sell your address to other lists or marketers; we simply want to offer you access to exclusive content.