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Mitt Romney Tag

You go to war with the Mitt you have. That's the view of John Hawkins, co-founder of, in a post at his blog Right Wing News: At this late date, at a minimum, I’d still prefer Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Tim Pawlenty, Rich Santorum, Jon Huntsman,...

Is this really happening again?  Is Mitt Romney refusing, even assuming he is the nominee which looks likely, to release any more tax returns? Romney released his 2010 return and projections for 2011 only after a disastrous couple of weeks of refusing to do so.  I predicted...

"BREAKING" -- “Congratulations to Governor Mitt Romney on his win last night and to all the candidates for a hard fought, thoughtful debate and primary season,” said Bush in a statement. “Primary elections have been held in thirty-four states, and now is the time for Republicans to...

Mitt Romney is waking up to the fact that his highly negative, in some cases vicious, campaign against Newt and Rick will create problems down the road, should Mitt win the nomination. So Romney's senior advisors are putting together an outreach strategy: Mitt Romney, mired in a...

Contrary to what many are saying, Mitt Romney didn't specifically attack Santorum on No Child Left Behind at the Arizona debate (here's the transcript). In fact, Romney defended Bush's motives: And with regards to No Child Left Behind, the right answer there -- President Bush stood up and said,...

Anyone who has had even a cursory interaction with this blog knows that I have had some harsh criticisms for the way the Romney campaign has been run. But, um, even I didn't accuse Mitt of acting like Occupy Wall Street: "It’s absolutely laughable to have a...

An article at Boston Catholic Insider asserts that Mitt Romney lied during the Arizona debate about forcing Catholic Hospitals to provide the "morning after" pill to rape victims. Here's the debate passage (via Right Scoop): KING (Moderator): Governor Romney, both Senator Santorum and Speaker Gingrich have said...

I bet the reaction would be quite different if NY Times columnist Charles M. Blow mocked religious Jewish undergarments the way he mocked religious Mormon undergarments in this tweet (h/t Jim Geraghty): But then again, he's a NY Times columnist with a long history of foul hyperbole directed at the Tea...

Other than everything? It's a theme I've been harping on since the beginning of time, or at least the beginning of this campaign season.  Not being someone else is not a reason to vote for you. Oh, we'll vote for you if the only someone else is...

So it's okay.  (h/t Terri in Tip Line) The point is not that there's anything wrong with it, but the hypocrisy (which applies even more to Romney) is dripping, considering how Newt was raked over the coals for a video with Nancy Pelosi which did not...

It must be great to be Rick Santorum running against Mitt Romney. By the time Mitt gets to you, after Mike H., John M. and Newt G., all of the sudden there is grave concern that Mitt will not be nice.  What's that saying, it's better...

From Byron York, Conservatives urge Romney not to attack Santorum: Mitt Romney met privately with a group of conservative activists and opinion leaders Thursday, on the eve of his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.  In a wide-ranging discussion, a number of participants...

John Hinderaker at Power Line lays the blame for an eventual loss to Obama primarily at the feet of Newt: Nevertheless, if you are a Republican, the vibes are very bad. The presidential primary season has turned into a disaster, in my view. Mitt Romney has shown...

As was documented by Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator, the floor speech Newt gave about Reagan's "failing" Soviet policy in 1986 was filled with praise for Reagan and the criticisms of the policy raised in the speech were common among conservatives.  The suggestion that Newt was...