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Middle East Tag

First it was Lara Logan.  Then other female journalists: The press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders on Friday cautioned  news outlets on sending female reporters to Cairo’s Tahrir Square, citing three  incidents in which reporters have been assaulted. “It is more dangerous for a woman than a...

Calling Israel an "Apartheid State" and the barrier built to keep out suicide bombers the "Apartheid Wall" is part of the standard lexicon of the Islamist-Lefist Anti-Israel Coalition. In The New York Times today, Richard Goldstone calls the apartheid terminology a slander, Israel and the Apartheid...

As mentioned earlier, the Obama administration and media are touting Gaddafi's overthrow as a great foreign policy victory. But Gaddafi's body has hardly gone cold, and Libya already has a strict Islamist government, see all the links at Memeorandum.  Andrew Sullivan also rounds up some of the...

There are conflicting reports, as detailed in the live updates at The Telegraph. Updates:  I'll wait a bit before updating the headline, but it appears he's dead (photo at The Telegraph link). DEBKAFile says he's dead, killed in NATO airstrike near his hometown of Sirte. PJTatler has al-Jaeera...

ABC has an exclusive: video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Some exclusive. In fact, I ran a post on it earlier this month, Let the Libya “unexpected” consequences begin: Such as a “no fly zone” over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi’s...

There is one worthwhile clause in an otherwise worthless article at The Atlantic by Steve Clemons, Obama Tells Palestinians to Stay in the Back of the Bus. Clemons lays out the fiction that the Palestinian strategic move to take land without peace is something Gandhi-like: Obama's position on this is dangerous in...

Here's your "Arab Spring" and "Arab Street" for you. From a BBC correspondent (h/t Daily Dish): While walking in the street someone pushed me from behind with such force that I nearly fell over. Turning around, I found myself surrounded by five men, one of whom tried to punch...

Such as a "no fly zone" over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi's army, we didn't fix the problem of tens of thousands of mobile surface-to-air missiles. As reported by the Christian Science Monitor: At newly discovered weapons-storage sites,...

It's not often I thank Think Progress, but thanks for this video interview of Allen West on the issue of Obama foreign policy in Libya and the Middle East.  Think Progress, with its videographer following West on his trip to Israel, figured they'd get good...

Contrary to rebel claims, Saif al-Islam, son and heir apparent of Moammar al-Qaddafi, has not been captured and is free and talking to reporters in Tripoli. Video was shown on Fox News and CNN of Saif al-Islam at a hotel in Tripoli.  Saif claimed that a "trap"...

I just listened to Obama's statement on Libya, and while he didn't spike the football, he's pretty proud of himself. And, if as it now appears Qaddafi is gone, and if what replaces him is not even worse, then Obama should be proud of himself.  But...

Based on news reports and live coverage from SkyNews and others, it appears that Tripoli is about to fall to rebel forces. Whether it is hours or a day or two, it seems on the cusp. Updates:  Things seem to be moving fast.  Israel Matzav has video...

Lots doing in the world. The end is near for Qaddafi, or not, who knows:  "Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from  Muammar al-Qaddafi's main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after  opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city.  The...

No official incitement in the new Egypt, "Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility": Israeli citizen Ofir Harrari, recently accused by Egypt of spying for Israel, was allegedly involved in a complicated scheme intended to harm Egyptian reproduction abilities, Egypt's official state paper Al-Ahram has claimed. Harrari, accused by...

Roger Cohen of The NY Times and other journalists were smitten with the Egyptian revolution, and denounced warnings of what lurked below the surface: (February 3, 2011)  Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for...

I have written often about the willingness of Islamists and Leftists to cooperate when it comes to an anti-Israel agenda.  That coalition has expanded its base from Europe and the United States to the birthplace of the Arab Spring: Early this month, the authority in charge...