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Media Bias Tag

How did I miss this. Did The Daily Caller intend it?By "it," I mean the significance of the fact that the Journolist emails about Trig Palin were posted today. In my post about the emails, I gave no note to the date.Sarah Palin issued a...

I have posted before about the left-wing blogosphere's obsession with mocking Trig Palin and attacking Sarah Palin for bringing Trig on stage during the campaign.Now, in the latest revelations from the Journolist archives, The Daily Caller reprints Journolist emails regarding Trig. And obsessed with...

Question:How many of the Journolists who object to the release of their e-mails regarding the 2008 presidential campaign will spend the next several days gloating over the publication by WikiLeaks of over 90,000 classified military documents regarding the war in Afghanistan?An inconvenient truth?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:What William...

"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first 400 names in the Boston telephone directory, than in a society governed by the 400 members of the Journolist."From iOwnTheWorld (click for ever increasing and updated photo montage)(via Instapundit):[Note to...

On February 18, 2010, I wrote a post titled Progressive Bloggers In The Wizard of Oz, about a trip by several "progressive" bloggers to meet at The White House with Jared Bernstein, Chief Economist to Vice President Joe Biden.The post carried a photo of serious-looking...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod ...

Matthew Yglesias, who blogs at Think Progress, July 21, The Shame of the Daily Caller:The Caller appears to have access to a very large proportion of JournoList emails and they can’t come up with anything that withstands cursory scrutiny.The Daily Caller, July 22:Blogger Matt Yglesias...

Am I the only one to see the multiple levels of irony in this?Ezra Klein, current employee of The Washington Post: "I actually expect this to be my final public comment on the subject."Nate Silver, future employee of The New York Times: "p.s. This is...

Nate Silver, soon to be blogging at The New York Times, is not waiting for The Daily Caller to expose more e-mails from the Journolist, in which Silver participated.So Silver is taking preemptive action to explain his involvement (emphasis mine):I made on the order of...

Ezra Klein, who organized the Journolist and now blogs at The Washington Post, declares that the expose by The Daily Caller has descended from tragedy into farce.The proof? Klein feels that The Daily Caller is not disclosing enough of the e-mails, which Klein feels would...

Such is now demanded by the NAACP in the Shirley Sherrod matter.You remember her. She's the Department of Agriculture person who, at an NAACP meeting in March, told a story about how 20 plus years ago she had discriminated against a white farmer because he...

Another Black Conservative has the best observation (h/t Jim Treacher) on Spencer Ackerman's suggestion that other journalists and bloggers make up charges of racism to help Obama's campaign (emphasis mine): What is astounding is that none on the listsev objects to making up racism, they...

I'll admit it, I was wrong about The Daily Caller when I called it a failure several months ago.In the past months The Daily Caller has done a good job on a variety of issues, particularly exposing the Journolist, a group of liberal mainstream media...

My, my, how the Democratic Party -- or at least certain "elements" -- could be portrayed as racist if Think Progress cut and pasted some of this material the way it does to the Tea Party movement:[][][]Think Progress has such great researchers, I'm sure they'll...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:I have a dream.That the week will arrive when the race card will not have been played. And I will have nothing about which to write on a Saturday...

I haven't posted previously on the New Black Panther group voter intimidation controversy. There have been plenty of other things to cover.The issue is significant not so much because two guys stood in front of a polling station with night sticks -- that would be...

The New York Times, July 14, 2010:There are plenty of things to buy in Gaza; goods are brought over the border or smuggled through the tunnels with Egypt. That is not the problem. In fact, talk about food and people here get angry because it...

In a profile of Paul Teller, Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee, Mary Ann Akers writes:He's the bomb thrower in the shadows for more than 100 RSC members, whose purist conservative mission often poses a challenge for the more pragmatic House Republican leadership. Where...