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Media Bias Tag

And the whole world was watching:Who is responsible for the failure to launch? According to The NY Times, Palin of course:Another near certainty whenever Ms. Palin is involved: a media spectacle. Like I said, it practically writes itself.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the...

I get so infuriated when Republicans pile on Sarah Palin not over policy but through personal insult because these people don't seem to understand that they are joining in a mob which eventually will come around to beat down their own favorite candidate.  And as of today,...

Just when you thought NBC News could not get any more partisan, somehow, it managed to, via WaPo, NBC News hires ousted NPR president and CEO Vivian Schiller to run digital operation:NBC News is hiring ousted National Public Radio chief Vivian Schiller to run its digital...

Marc Ambinder serves as the Obama campaign messenger of the day, with an uncritical account of what Team Obama supposedly believes as to the Republican field.  You will not be surprised to find that Team Obama was most concerned with a candidate who is not running:Gov....

Pat at And So It Goes In Shreveport has good updates on the planned flooding of Cajun country to help save Baton Rouge and New Orleans.  The impact on numerous towns and communities will be substantial.The use of the Atchafalaya basin as a safety valve...

George Bush's supposed walk-away from the hunt for bin Laden has been all over the news, in the blogosphere, and even in the comments here.Everyone points to this video, six months after 9/11.I have pointed out that the video is overstated, because at the time...

The vote is in from this weekend's reader poll.The poll asked readers for their opinion as to when Hollywood would release the star-studded major motion picture RAID ON ABBOTTABAD - How Barack Obama and a Team of Navy SEALS Changed the Course of History.BigFurHat even prepared a prototype movie...

A person who knows the facts, versus an agenda-driven hack so-called journalist who has all the talking points on the tip of his tongue.The person with the facts wins.Gets particularly interesting around th 8:00 mark, for those of you who have work to do and...

I have dealt numerous times with the malicious accusations across the mainstream media, entertainment industry, left-blogosphere, and even in the right-blogosphere that questions regarding Obama's birth certificate and/or birthplace were motivated by racism.Among other things, I documented numerous white presidential candidates who have had their...

So reports Jake Tapper of ABC.Apparently bin Laden's compound was identified positively in March, and the military wanted to drop a dozen or so guided bombs and reduce the compound to ashes.  According to Tapper, Obama passed on the request because there would have been...

Barack Obama's speech at the White House correspondents' dinner last night was small and petty.  Watch it below, and compare it to similar appearances by George Bush.Bush, who was under attack from the media, academia and the entertainment industry on a scale which makes the "birther"...

Impecable timing and sources, that's what makes Newsweek a powerhouse in the news business:But all jokes aside, this was a bad day for the MSM.  Oh how they wanted Republicans to nominate someone from Mississippi with a heavy southern accent.Sorry, you'll have to find some...

As you know, I'm not a fan of Politico's news operation.  Today's feature article, Mission for anti-Palin movement: Expose her, is a prime example of how the MSM will go after Republican candidates or potential candidates.Under the guise of reporting on the anti-Palin movement, Politico...

Or is it drivel?Other caption suggestions welcomed.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Media Matters: Egypt Erupts, So Let's Blame ...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:This is a follow up to two prior posts on the attempt by the mainstream media and left-blogosphere to frame the issue of Obama's constitutional qualification to be President as rooted...

For almost the entire two and one-half years I've been blogging I've had to put up with Paul Krugman accusing Republicans, conservatives and Tea Party supporters of inciting violence through heated rhetoric over policy differences, particularly Obamacare.I've even started a tag for Paul Krugman, which prior...