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Media Bias Tag

In tagging Rick Perry with the "painted-over rock" allegation without first learning the facts? Yes, I think so.  It certainly is fine to point out that the name was offensive, but to suggest that Perry somehow was responsible was a bridge too far (transcript via MVOPOV): WALLACE:...

A tale of two videos. It is not okay to sit silently when a single person in an audience shouts something: We don’t believe in the kind of smallness that says it’s okay for a stage full of political leaders -- one of whom could end up being...

You need no better example of the political corruption of our mainstream media than the page 1 headline at The Washington Post, At Perry camp, racially charged name lingered. There is no story behind the headline. The article itself reveals that the offensive name of the camp,...

Sarah Palin justifiably is outraged at the latest Joe McGinniss outrage. In addition to knowing that McGinniss and Random House published lies about her, Palin now has evidence not usually available to libel plaintiffs, in the form of an e-mail obtained by Andrew Breitbart in which...

Obama flubbed his history.  Via Ed Morrissey, Obama inaccurately called Abraham Lincoln the founder of the Republican Party: Not true! Doesn't Obama know history? So now the media will erupt for weeks on end about what an "idiot" and "fool" and "know-nothing" Obama is, just like it erupted over...

Steve Benen, liberal blogger at Washington Monthly, feigns ignorance over why Jon Hunstman is getting so much love and air time from the mainstream media despite no apparent electoral support: The question then becomes why Huntsman, Mr. One Percent, is getting special treatment. I know, I know. Because Hunstman...

of stories about Obama's demise about which I am skeptical. Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard argues that the media lovefest for Obama has weakened Obama by making him lazy: As a rule, the press is the scourge of presidents. They’re expected to endure unending scrutiny, mistrust,...

This should be Obama's Dukakis Tank moment, when pure bravado exposed the very perception of weakness the candidate hoped to overcome. Is there anything worse than a candidate who tries so hard to be something he is not, to fake it so hard that it hurts...

It's coming too fast and furious, and in some cases is too bizarre, to summarize here.  And some of the charges are not worth repeating. While I'm sure his supporters are frustrated, they shouldn't be. Better to get it all out there and deal with it now.  He'll...

without waiting for more evidence, arrests, or anything else, because any act of violence requires universal and unflinching comdemnation of everyone reading the same publications as, or sharing general political beliefs similar to, the person or persons who shot at and vandalized the home of a non-union contractor: The Monroe...

There is a devastating article at The Jewish Weekly by a former NY Times reporter Ari Goldman, who was on the scene as a primary source reporter for The Times during the Crown Heights riots in New York City in 1991. Al Sharpton sought to take advantage...

Soon after the raid in which Obama got bin Laden took place, as Obama was in the midst of his not-spiking-the-football victory lap, I asked readers to predict when Hollywood would roll out a major motion picture about the raid in order to help Obama's...

I told you this was coming. From Reuters via Yahoo, in explaining why the new unemployment numbers, while better than "expected," still were not great: A stand-off between Democrats and Republicans over raising the country's debt ceiling poisoned the atmosphere for employers and consumers....

... according to Jonathan Capehart at WaPo: In the coming fights over the next budget, unemployment benefits and payroll tax cuts, I want Obama to show the Republican Party in general and the Tea Party in particular that he isn’t afraid to out-crazy the crazies. If that...

While journalists at mainstream media publications regularly tout their professionalism and lack of bias, the people who consume their services see the bias for what it is: Likely voters hold a dismal view of the news media, generally regarding reporters as biased, unethical and too close...