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Media Bias Tag

After a day of the media investigating James Holmes, the mass murderer at the Aurora, Colorado movie theater, a profile is emerging of someone who did not have any overt political agenda or affiliation. Yet once again, the Tea Party was injected into the crime through...

Via SooperMexican( emphasis in original): Today it’s being widely reported that Romney had a moment were he was amazed at the existence of WAWAs, a convenience/gas store, and the electronic touchtone ordering of sandwiches. They have spun this to make it seem like he’s out of touch...

When Neil Munro shouted out a question to Obama yesterday as Obama was reading a statement in the Rose Garden about his unilateral thumbing of Congress and the American people in the eye, a firestorm of condemnation erupted among media-types on both the left and right. Forget...

A number of readers have sent me links or images of a Father's Day promotion Obama is running to scoop up e-mail addresses for fundraising. Here's an image sent by reader Bronwyn as it appeared at Real Clear Politics: Reader John saw a simlar ad at The NY...

Yesterday I posted about Joe Scarborough bad-mouthing bloggers sitting in the basement eating Cheetos. Last night Michelle Malkin encountered the same attitude from Juan Williams (jump ahead to 6:45 if you don't have much time)(via HotAir): I'll tell you what Michelle, I'm a real reporter, not a blogger out in the...

Remember that Indelible Image of a Boy's Pat on Obama's Head? You know, the one that was so indelible that no one remembered it, and the NY Times felt compelled to remind you how indelible it was with a headline "Indelible Image of Boy's Pat on...

It's pretty unfair to compare Dana Milbank and Jayson Blair by lumping them together with no real connection, isn't it? Almost as bad as this headline and column from Dana Milbank lumping Richard Mourdock and federal prisoner Keith Judd together, Richard Mourdock and Keith Judd vs....

It started out as a massive 5000-word hit piece on Mitt Romney reminiscent of what The Washington Post did to Rick Perry about a rock on his family hunting ground. WaPo put a reporter (or more) on the case and apparently spared no effort to find...

And not just anyone, someone who was "presumed homosexual." The Washington Post, fresh off finding a rock in Texas, has dug deep using all the investigative reporting skills of one of the most powerful news organizations in the world, and breathlessly reports that Mitt Romney teased...

It was those damn meteoric expectations, and the failure of those around him, such as the Secret Service agents who visited prostitutes in Colombia, and soldiers in Afghanistan who killed civilians and burned Korans. And that damn Congress: Karl Lemberg, one of thousands who thronged a Berlin park...

There is a war on women, but they will not talk about it in the media, academia, or in politics (h/t HotAir): So: Yes, women all over the world have problems; yes, the United States has yet to elect a female president; and yes, women continue...