Jen Psaki | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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The Democrats must have internal polling on 'defund the police' that's truly awful, because some of them are already trying to rewrite the history of the issue. With violent crime on the rise in many American cities and a midterm election around the corner, Democrats suddenly don't want to be associated with this at all.

Once Joe Biden took office, his administration wasted no time getting the MSM to amplify the claim that the Trump administration did not give them a Wuhan coronavirus vaccine rollout plan. As we reported in January, CNN ran a big story the day after Biden's inauguration, which quoted anonymous Biden officials saying they were having to “start from scratch” on the rollout.

For the last four years, we watched as journalists in the White House press room treated Trump's press people with outright hostility. Now we are learning that the Biden White House has allegedly been asking reporters to submit their questions in advance, presumably so there won't be any surprises. If you watched how the Biden campaign dealt with the press before the election, none of this would surprise you.