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Israel Tag

We don't know the details of the "brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating" of CBS News correspondent Lara Logan in Tahrir Square as the Egyptian crowd celebrated the resignation of Hosni Mubarek, but we know enough. Among the things we know is that the night before the...

It has not received much attention in the U.S. media, perhaps because we are more concerned with our national debt spinning out of control than the spinning of Iranian centrifuges.But news reports abroad indicate that the outgoing commander of the Israel Defense Forces may have...

With democracy comes responsibility.  The Egyptian people may find that our relatively soon, as even some of its non-Muslim Brotherhood emerging leaders seem hellbent on war with Israel.Ayman Nour, a leading Egyptian opposition figure who is expected to run for President -- and someone who...

Last June, in the midst of the "Gaza Flotilla" in which leftists joined Islamists against Israel, I asked Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term?:This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel.Leftists who, among other...

Now that Sarah Palin has invoked the 3 a.m. phone call (which she says went to an answering machine when Egypt was calling), it is worth looking at the original Hillary advertisement, which touched on the doubts so many have about Obama:Here is a version...

strap a suicide belt to a 14-year-old? This video is from several years ago, but it is a reminder of what the Israelis are up against, and how checkpoints and the security barrier were both necessary and effective.So the next time you hear the usual...

I wish I had written such a post, but instead I happened upon it via an e-mail sent from a relative.  And it was at HuffPo, of all places.Rarely have I seen someone hit the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel movement the way David Suissa does in Israel's...

I have posted about Juan Cole before, including this sadly humorous assertion that protesters chanting "death to America" really just wanted visas to visit Disneyland:Even the ones who are chanting "Death to America," if you get them to the side, they say well you know "could you...

As much as I would have liked to weigh in on a bunch of issues during the day, I've been fighting the snow and the snow hit (my) back.Now that I can sit up straight, here are some thoughts, as usual in no particular order:Egypt...

Not really.  Here's Jon Podhoretz's take on the recent troubles in Egypt, It's never been about Palestine:The anti-Mubarak revolution won't only topple an authoritarian regime. It will also topple 40-plus years of wrong-headed thinking about the causes of Middle East instability among the world's foreign-policy...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt.It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of a...

The upheaval in Egypt demonstrates the folly of those who claim to support Israel yet who seek to compel Israel to withdraw to the pre-1967 borders without adjustment.The pre-1967 borders are what amounts to the completely arbitrary armistice lines drawn at the end of fighting when...

As of this writing, it remains unclear whether Mubarek will hold onto power in Egypt.  As I pointed out before, the implications for peace in the region are enormous, as an undermining of the 1979 peace treaty with Israel could spark regional war.There is understandable caution...

The situation in Egypt does not look dire at this moment, but it does look very serious.  Given the speed with which events can move, the situation could change dramatically for the worse in hours or days.Pursuant to the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and...

In an event which should surprise no one, Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy in Lebanon, has taken control of the government in anticipation of indictments of senior Hezbollah officials in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri:Saad Hariri, whose government was toppled after Hezbollah...

What will the Mossad think of next?A few years ago the Egyptian press was full of reports about an alleged Mossad plot to distribute chewing gum that would cause young women to become sexually promiscuous. Though it heavily censors its press, the government did nothing...

As a follow up to my post the other day regarding the reopening of a rare earth minerals mine in the U.S., China announced yesterday that it was slashing exports:China, which produces about 97 percent of the global supply of the metals used in the...