ISIS | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Iraq Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has declared that the country has fully liberated itself from the Islamic State (ISIS). The defeat of ISIS comes after three years of battles since the terrorist group leaked into Iraq and captured Mosul, the country's second largest city, and other key cities along the border of Syria.

German Intelligence Agency (BND) is concerned about the Islamist ideology increasing its influence in the Balkan region, German newspapers report. The main focus of Germany's foreign intelligence agency is the Muslim-majority country of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The agency has been alarmed by massive investments being made by Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries in the religious and Islamist infrastructure of the country.

Berlin wants to bring back the children of German Islamic State terrorists currently being held under Iraqi detention, German newspapers report. German Foreign Office has asked the Iraqi government to grant exit permits to the children of captive Islamic State members. Many of these children hold "ISIS birth certificates," a German broadcaster reported. So far, Iraqi and Kurdish authorities have not given any assurances to the German negotiators in this regard.

With the New York truck attacker having been identified as an Uzbek national, at least four of the recent high-profile Islamist terror attacks have been carried out by either an Uzbek national or an ethnic Uzbek. This list includes the Stockholm truck attack that killed four and the Saint Petersburg bombing that killed 13. Muslims from former Soviet republics in Central Asia, or the '5 stans,' are one of the largest group serving in the ranks of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq -- perhaps second only to recruits coming from Europe.

Sayfullo Saipov, 29, killed eight people and injured 11 on Monday in Lower Manhattan when he plowed a rental pickup truck into a crowd of people. He screamed "Allahu Akbar!" after he exited the truck and police confronted him. An officer shot Saipov and took him into custody. They transported him to a hospital and he's recovering from surgery. Authorities found Saipov's notes near the truck, in which he declared he carried out the attack for the terrorist group the Islamic State (ISIS).

The Islamic State (ISIS) has held Raqqa, Syria, for four years and made it the the group's de facto capital. That appears to have ended as US-backed Syrian forces have declared they retook the city from the terrorists. From CNN:
"Major military operations in Raqqa are finished but they are now clearing the city of sleeper cells -- if they exist -- and mines," Talal Salo, spokesman for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, told CNN. The SDF is a coalition of Arab and Kurdish fighters.

This is how the terrorists win, and civilization dies. From Australia, Bondi synagogue ban over terrorism risk leaves Jewish community shocked and furious:
A LOCAL council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target, in a shock move that religious leaders say has caved in to Islamic extremism and created a dangerous precedent.

The NY Times, The Washington Post and other major news media have been in a stiff competition to leak sensitive intelligence operational information in order to harm Donald Trump and his administration. Among other things, there have been repeated supposed intelligence community leaks disclosing the ability of U.S. intelligence to monitor conversations of the Russian ambassador with his superiors back in Russia. This is a pattern.

On a morning when you would have expected the Morning Joe panel to be all about Trump's CNN wrestling tweet, a Washington Post editor/columnist painted an amazingly positive portrait of the president's actions in Syria. WaPo's David Ignatius has just returned from a week in Syria. He was almost apologetic in prefacing his remarks: "I'm going to say something that in some ways is sympathetic to Trump." He then proceeded to say that he was told by top US commanders that "the most daring and decisive" attack in the battle of Raqqa would not have happened if it hadn't been for President Trump's decision to delegate authority to commanders in the field.

Egypt has launched an air assault on terror training camps in Libya, following the deadly bus attack that claimed the lives of over two dozen Coptic Christian men, women and children.
On Friday, Egyptian fighter jets struck eastern Libya just hours after a shooting that killed 29 and wounded 24 in the southern Egyptian province of Minya when masked militants boarded vehicles en route to a monastery and opened fire at close range. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack, the latest directed at Egypt's increasingly embattled Christian minority following two church bombings last month that killed more than 45, also claimed by the group.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the bombing at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK, on Monday night. The attack killed 22 people and left 59 injured. British authorities refuse to name the attacker, but CBS News reported he was 23-year-old Salman Abedi. Yes, the authorities knew about him before the attack.

In Saudi Arabia for his first foreign trip as president, President Trump delivered a speech on Islamic extremism and the need for the world to unite against and eradicate it.  Trump urged the Muslim-majority countries to "take the lead in combating radicalization" and to expel Islamist extremists from their places of worship, communities, holy lands, and the planet. Some highlights from the full text of President Trump's speech.
"I stand before you as a representative of the American People, to deliver a message of friendship and hope. That is why I chose to make my first foreign visit a trip to the heart of the Muslim world, to the nation that serves as custodian of the two holiest sites in the Islamic Faith." "Our vision is one of peace, security, and prosperity—in this region, and in the world. Our goal is a coalition of nations who share the aim of stamping out extremism and providing our children a hopeful future that does honor to God."

The Arab world's most-watched TV network, MBC 1, will air a prime-time TV drama depicting life under ISIS. The 30-part series will debut during Ramadan. “Black Crows", "paints a picture of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, as a brutal criminal organization run by corrupt and hypocritical leaders. But recruits are depicted as victims, and women who challenge the militants’ control are heroes," reports the New York Times.