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Iran Tag

As Obama heads to Capitol Hill today to round-up some reluctant Blue Dog Democratic votes to ruin our health care system, raise taxes, and get the IRS involved in our lives even further, I was wondering if Obama could answer this unimportant question:How's that Iran...

The crowning achievement of Barack Obama's negotiation without precondition strategy on Iran was Iran's alleged agreement to ship its uranium abroad for reprocessing. This supposed agreement -- which was never as significant as it seemed -- was touted as proof that Obama's approach was correct.Popular...

The Obama administration has put its hopes of stopping the Iranian nuclear weapons program on negotiations with Iran. At best, Iran has been an unwilling participant, seeking to buy time.I suspect Iran's attitude is about to change for the worse. A suicide bombing took the...

Barack Obama is on another "it's all Bush's fault" tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush's mess:Another way of putting it is when, you know, I'm busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –-...

I wish this headline in the NY Times was a joke, but it is not: U.S. Wonders if Iran Is Playing for Time or Is Serious on Deal This is a "news analysis" piece, so the Times will be all over the nuance angle: But...

The Obama administration is taking its bad August out on Honduras, announcing today the imposition of economic sanctions: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, responding to calls to increase pressure on the de facto Honduras government, announced the termination on Thursday of about $22 million...

Iranian/American dual citizen Kian Tajbakhsh has a Ph.D in Urban Planning from Columbia University. Tajbakhsh was arrested in Iran in early July as part of a crackdown by the Iranian regime on moderates and leaders of the protest movement.Last week, Tajbakhsh and approximately 100 other...

Until June 2009, when Iranians took to the streets to protest corrupt elections, I had not heard of Juan Cole, blogger and Professor of History. But for those weeks, Juan Cole was all that, bringing his expertise and connections to bear better than most bloggers. But...

With each passing day, the vapidness of the Obama administration's foreign policy becomes more clear. Lofty words spoken in the capitals of Europe and the Middle East were just words. From the warm embrace of the bully Hugo Chavez, to the cynical mixed-messages on the...

The Obama administration's actions towards Honduras continue to defy logic. On the one hand, Obama states that he is for the rule of law. Yet Obama meddles in the worst possible way in Hondurans' attempt to protect their country from a Chavez-style tyranny. Read Fausta's...

CNN has released a joint CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll on Barack Obama's handling of the Iran uprising. The headline screams Americans don't want to intervene in Iran election crisis, and the write up notes that "nearly three out of four Americans don't want the U.S....

There is something strange about the Obama administration's diplomacy. We speak softly to our enemies, but use a big stick against our friends.Protesters take to the streets in Iran in opposition to election fraud, and against a regime which is openly hostile to the U.S.,...

Barack Obama has apologized repeatedly for past U.S. transgressions, real and imagined, although he never demands apologies from others.So it is only natural that the Iranian Mullahs, whose thugs are beating people with axes in the streets, would demand that Obama apologize to Iran:“Change means...

During the campaign and after assuming the presidency, Barack Obama repeatedly stated his willingness to engage in negotiations with Iran without any preconditions. But that was and is not true.The events of the past two weeks, including the revelation that Obama sent a letter in...

Flynt and Hillary Leverett of the New America Foundation are two of the main proponents of the "Grand Bargain" approach to Iran which has been adopted by the Obama administration. The Grand Bargain approach seeks to have the current Iranian regime promise to cease nuclear...

The claims of election fraud in Iran and resulting civil unrest have given rise to a conspiracy theory which is making its way through the internet: The claims of Iranian election fraud are an Israeli-created hoax spread by manipulating Twitter.The first reference to this conspiracy...

Many, including Barack Obama, have dismissed the notion that Mir Hossein Mousavi, the leader of the opposition in Iran, would make any difference to the policy of Iran since Mousavi, among other things, is considered the father of the Iranian nuclear program, and is steeped...

To read Andrew Sullivan's posts on the suppression of the opposition in Iran, you would think American "NeoCons" (whoever they may be) were in the streets swinging batons from the backs of motorcycles, trashing the library at Tehran University, and breaking into homes in pursuit...