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Holocaust Tag

In a new low for the anti-Israel pro-Hamas antisemitic protest movement, an astroturfed recently-formed group called "Doctors Against Genocide" organized an infiltration and disruption of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C. scheduled for December 28. After an outcry, the group has cancelled the event,...

Over the weekend, Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) unveiled its list of the Top 40 Global Advocates for Israel Online and it included a name familiar to Legal Insurrection readers: LI author Vijeta Uniyal. How did an Indian man, a resident of Germany (though currently in South Africa for work-related reasons), with little to no exposure to Jews and Israel become one of the internet's foremost advocates for Israel?

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany commissioned a recent survey, which found a shocking number of young people in the state of New York believe Jews caused the Holocaust. It is absolutely stunning that so many people could be so grossly misinformed about one of the most horrific and significant events of the 20th century.

Palm Beach County School District reassigned Spanish River Community High School principal William Latson after he told a parent that he cannot say for certain that the Holocaust happened. The letter caused outrage, which led the school to reassign Latson to a district position. Instead of taking responsibility, Latson placed the blame on the parent who complained about him.

For years, there has been talking and concern about the lack of factual Holocaust knowledge and education in the United States and around the world. Education systems dominated by leftist teachers often antagonistic towards Israel are sometimes loathing to bring up the subject. It's possible to also blame an easily accessible Internet that leads users down dark rabbit holes of Holocaust conspiracy theories.

Germany condemned remarks on the Holocaust made by President of Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. In a televised speech on Monday, Abbas claimed that the Holocaust was not caused by antisemitism, but by Jews' "social role related to usury and banks." The Palestinian Authority chief said he was referring to the writings of Karl Marx and other authors.