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Hoaxes Tag

Hopefully these are more reliable than the last one (now taken down): Coulter: ‘With Newt Gingrich you throw out the baby and keep the bath water’ [VIDEO] Not a believer, but an understander Can Romney win by going negative on Newt, emphasizing the old phony ethics issues that...

Yesterday I saw a lengthy thread at Memeorandum about a "HermanCainPAC" website which had a large cover story calling Karen Kraushaar an "ugly bitch." Here's the screenshot: The website looked real, with a donate page and so on. But I didn't post about it because it looked...

The folks at Firedoglake were very excited about the story that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was kicked out of a restaurant in Madison, based on a report by a blogger in Madison:Sometimes, it’s good to leave detached, cerebral meta-analyses of politics aside and just get...