Hoaxes | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 10
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Hoaxes Tag

A massive racism hoax took place at Oberlin College in February 2013 in which two students made seemingly racist, anti-Semitic and other such posters, graffiti and emails for the purpose of getting a reaction on campus, not because they believed the hostile messages.  At least one of the...

The Pallywood cottage industry of fake or misleading photos meant to demonize Israel never ceases. Last June I addressed this photo then circulating on Facebook purporting to show an Israeli soldier stepping on a Palestinian girl: Via information provided by Israel Matzav, I pointed out that the soldier...

Hopefully these are more reliable than the last one (now taken down): Coulter: ‘With Newt Gingrich you throw out the baby and keep the bath water’ [VIDEO] Not a believer, but an understander Can Romney win by going negative on Newt, emphasizing the old phony ethics issues that...

Yesterday I saw a lengthy thread at Memeorandum about a "HermanCainPAC" website which had a large cover story calling Karen Kraushaar an "ugly bitch." Here's the screenshot: The website looked real, with a donate page and so on. But I didn't post about it because it looked...

The folks at Firedoglake were very excited about the story that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was kicked out of a restaurant in Madison, based on a report by a blogger in Madison:Sometimes, it’s good to leave detached, cerebral meta-analyses of politics aside and just get...