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Hillary Clinton Tag

Nothing could make more clear that the MSM is setting up Hillary as the fall guy if Libya goes badly than this headline at The New York Times:Obama Takes Hard Line With Libya After Shift by ClintonOf course, if things goe badly in Libya, it...

The Democratic war room is back in action, and it is aimed at Darrell Issa, the California Republican Congressman who heads the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.As reported by Politico, there is an almost unprecedented effort by Democrats to undermine Issa not for anything he...

Now that Sarah Palin has invoked the 3 a.m. phone call (which she says went to an answering machine when Egypt was calling), it is worth looking at the original Hillary advertisement, which touched on the doubts so many have about Obama:Here is a version...

A column by James Taranto, 'Death Panels' Revisited (via Instapundit) points out:Obama ran for office on opposition to the individual mandate, then made it the centerpiece of his signature legislative initiative. Perhaps this should have been "lie of the year." At, it wasn't even a...

Ever since Hillary Clinton supporters started circulating claims that Obama was not born in the United States, Obama's supporters and strategists have taken a very aggressive posture.Almost any attempt to discuss the subject is met with a furious response from Media Matters, Think Progress, their...

Thanks to a reader for calling my attention to the ongoing spasms of vindictiveness in the U.S. policy towards Honduras.As noted in numerous posts here, the U.S. tried to force the return to power of Chavista and wannabe President-for-Life Manuel Zelaya. Only through the...

Iran is killing American and coalition soldiers in Afghanistan.And not because Israel issued a building permit for more homes in an already Jewish neighborhood of Jerusalem.As reported by the Times of London, Iranians train Taliban to use roadside bombs:TALIBAN commanders have revealed that hundreds of...

Can't say I didn't warn you. The pressure tactics the Obama administration applied to Honduras -- such as the refusal to meet with high government officials -- now are being applied to Israel:[I]n Jerusalem, prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu called his inner cabinet into its second...

After trying in vain to keep Manuel Zelaya in power, imposing sanctions on Honduran politicians and goods, and falsely labeling the constitutional effort to preserve democracy as an illegal "coup," the Obama administration finally is calling it quits.Hillary Clinton is seeking to convince other nations...

There is no more pernicious aspect of the pending health care bills (Senate, House and Obama "proposal") than the mandate.The mandate is the provision which requires that individuals purchase private insurance.From that mandate flows a host of governmental controls over our lives, from specification of...

The Newsweek cover of Sarah Palin in fitness clothing is becoming the teachable moment of the year. Because liberal women are beginning -- just beginning -- to acknowledge that liberals of both genders are so driven by hatred of Sarah Palin that their worst instincts...

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am not a fan of Media Matters. All too often, Media Matters spends way too much time staring at videos of the latest O'Reilly show or speech by a Republican politician, or listening to every syllable uttered...

Great post from the Hillary Clinton supporters at HillBuzz about Dubya and Laura Bush. Here's an excerpt, but read the whole thing (I can't wait for the Obama supporters to chalk this up to the whining of sore losers), Thank you former President George W....

The increasingly hysterical use of the the race card by liberal columnists, bloggers and politicians reflects the last gasps of people who, being unable to win an argument on the merits, seek to end the argument.While the false accusation of racism is not a new...

If Hillary Clinton were President, things would be quite different. For one, Hillary would have a mandate for health care mandates, which are the key to Democratic health care restructuring.Everyone focuses on the public option, but the public option is a mere necessary component of...

At his Liberaland blog, Alan Colmes of the hated Fox Network asks: Van Jones Resigns; Who Will They Go After Next?Good question, but it depends on what the meaning of "they" is. According to Keith Olbermann and Gene Robinson, the next White House official to...

The Obama administration is taking its bad August out on Honduras, announcing today the imposition of economic sanctions: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, responding to calls to increase pressure on the de facto Honduras government, announced the termination on Thursday of about $22 million...

An article in the NY Times, Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security, deserves a special place in the annals of journalism in the service of liberal politics. The thrust of the article is that global climate change "could" cause massive geopolitical disruption in...