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Harry Reid Tag

The latest Democratic ploy to get to a single-payer system is a wolf in sheep's clothing hidden inside a Trojan horse.According to reports, "moderate" and "liberal" Democrats are proposing a massive expansion of Medicare and Medicaid as a substitute for a "public option":Senate Democratic liberals...

Unbelievable. Harry Reid compares those opposed to Democratic health restructuring proposals to people who opposed freeing the slaves, granting women the right to vote, and expanding civil rights:"Instead of joining us on the right side of history, all the Republicans can come up with is,...

Andrew Sullivan called for Barack Obama to release Obama's full birth certificate:It is not my job as a journalist or yours as a citizen to take public officials on trust. They are not to be trusted, whoever they are. It is our job to demand...

Let's review the past two days.On Sunday, the Democratic health care restructuring proponents were trumpeting a report by an MIT economist claiming, based on a prior CBO scoring of Harry Reid's bill, that private premiums in the non-group market would drop $200-$500. The White House,...

Another day, another exposé by a British newspaper about the failure of nationalized health care. This time, it's the left-wing The Guardian reflecting on how delays in cancer care cause 10,000 unnecessary deaths each year compared to other European countries:Up to 10,000 people die needlessly...

Democrats have a thrill running up their legs because health care economist Jonathan Gruber of MIT has proclaimed that private insurance policies "in the non-group market" will cost $200-$500 less if Harry Reid's plan becomes law.The analysis is rudimentary. Gruber merely takes the CBO scoring...

From an op-ed by Sen. Jeff Session (R-Ala.), on how Harry Reid was one of the architects, during the Bush administration, of the judicial filibuster. Now that Reid is Majority Leader, Reid is against the use of the filibuster for judicial nominees, and indignantly so:This...

Mary Landrieu's deal for an extra $300 million in Medicaid funds for poor Louisiana residents has been hailed by Landrieu as a great victory for the people of Louisiana, and by just about everyone else as a shakedown of Harry Reid and the American people.But...

In my post the other day, Berkeley Students Should Be Protesting Obamacare, I made the point that the Berkeley student protesters were too stupid to realize that their future was being sold out from under them under the Obama-Pelosi-Reid health care restructuring plans because younger...

It gets curiouser and curiouser.Yesterday, Mary Landrieu closed the deal for a payoff to Louisiana in exchange for her vote to let Harry Reid's health care restructuring bill go to Senate floor debate. The deal had been negotiated over weeks, with initial reports putting the...

I've spent some time going through Harry Reid's 2,074 page health care restructuring bill. If you read the dozens of prior posts regarding prior versions, you pretty much know the story. There are many good analyses of the tax and other aspects, so read up.While...

Latest tracking poll from Rasmussen shows Obama at -14% on the strongly approve/strongly disapprove index. Look at the chart, and it shows a steady rise in negatives and steady fall in positives, for month after month since the Democrats rolled out their health care plans....

Harry Reid wants a Saturday night vote to open debate in the Senate on Reid's 2,074 page attempt to restructure the health care system.What will the Senator then do? Actually start debate? No, they will leave for the Thanksgiving break.So what's the hurry? The same...

Tom Coburn (R-Ok) may request, as is his right under Senate Rules, that the entire 2,027 page Harry Reid health care restructuring bill be read out loud on the floor of the Senate prior to debate: A little quick math shows that at a minute...

There is one number about which Harry Reid and the Democrats almost never talk: 255 million.That is the number of Americans who have health insurance, according to the September 2009 Report released by the Census Bureau (at page 20). The vast majority of those people...

It is clear that Democrats, who opposed shock and awe on the actual battlefield, find it a useful tactic in the health care debate.Last night, Harry Reid released the 2,074 page bill he created in secret, and he wants to start debate immediately. If he...

Finally, Harry Reid has released his health care restructuring bill. It is a whopping 2,074 pages.And it will save money, is his spin. The CBO report is not yet posted on its website and has not been released by Reid, so it may not be...

Any day (minute, hour?) Harry Reid will release his health care restructuring plan. If reports are true, Reid plans to start debate as soon as he can get the necessary votes, and have the Senate work Saturdays until Reid gets his up or down vote...