Freddie Gray: Prosecution’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Trial
June 16, 2016
As we've previously discussed, State prosecutors in the trial of van driver Officer Caesar Goodson were forced at the last minute to change their theory of the case from "Murder by Failure to Provide Medical Care" to "Murder by Rough Ride" after the evidentiary foundation for the prior theory evaporated.
Yesterday prosecutors called as a witness a purported expert on "rough rides." Apparently the cross-examination of this witness by the defense was nothing short of brutal.
In addition, it's being reported today that prosecutors have taken to explaining away their imploding case by claiming--for the first time ever in these Freddie Gray" trials--that police detectives deliberately threw the investigation so as to prevent convictions.
Before I go on, I want to give a large hat-tip to Mike McDaniel at Stately McDaniel Manor for bringing this to my attention. Mike is doing his own excellent coverage of these Freddie Gray trials. I also need to acknowledge Twitchy for capturing the live Tweets of Baltimore Sun Kevin Rector, @RectorSun.
Rather than write out a lengthy narrative, I'm going to let Kevin Rector's tweets speak for themselves. I present them here in chronological order, first on the matter of "rough ride" expert witness for the State, Neil Franklin.