Frank Rich | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Frank Rich Tag

Frank Rich, one of the worst flame throwers at The NY Times (which is saying a lot) and a frequent subject of posts here, is leaving The Times to join New York Magazine:Frank Rich is joining New York Magazine, beginning in June. Rich will be...

The New York Times had an Op-Ed yesterday complaining about anonymous trolls on blogs who post inflammatory messages to get a reaction:Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its...

Frank Rich asks the question "Who Will Stand Up To The Superrich?"Rich never answers the question, he just complains (mostly about Republicans who self-fund campaigns, and Republican corporate interests, etc.)But Rich knows the answer.  And there isn't a Democrat in sight.  The One who might...

I haven't posted about Count Frankula in a while.  Frank Rich's latest column, How Fox Betrayed Petraeus, is stuffed full of Rich's usual "people who don't agree with me are crazy and dangerous" filling.Frank's point apparently is that opposition to the Cordoba mosque and Islamic...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod ...

With news that blogger Nate Silver has been hired by The NY Times, and with the dream of an independent progressive blogosphere fading as fast as Obama's approval ratings, I wondered whether The NY Times would hire me to blog for it. Unlikely. My first post...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Charles Blow, the NY Times' once-a-week "visual Op-Ed columnist," is out to make a name for himself. Much like Frank Rich, who jumped from theater critic to political flame...

Frank Rich has a blood lust as do many of those pushing the false meme that opposition to Obama equals racism and violence, as witnessed by Rich's latest polemic in the NY Times today, The Rage Is Not About Health Care.As happened with the Bill...

A deranged professor killed several fellow professors. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there was no connection.A census worker was killed under mysterious circumstances. The media and nutroots tried to blame the Tea Party movement even though there...

....(Psst... Don't anyone tell Frank Rich, it will upset his psychosis).--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Proposed TPM and LGF HeadlinesDems' Strategy of CrazyA Warning For The Next Scott BrownGhouls Preparing To Dance on Sparkman's GraveSo, Mr. Krugman, Who Incited This Violence?Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Scaaary Doug Hoffman is driving left-wing bloggers and columnists insane. Hoffman and his supporters now are the object of anti-Palin-like fury and mania from the left. The objective of the attacks is to marginalize and mock Hoffman and his supporters, much as the media tagged...

I've been waiting patiently, armed with foresight that one of these days Bush Derangement Syndrome would work its way into the Balloon Boy hoax story (no links on the story, if you don't know about it, go back to your cave).And I've waited. And waited....

Every now and then, like the proverbial broken clock, Frank Rich at the NY Times gets something mostly right. His column, The Rabbit Ragu Democrats, gets it mostly right and does a good job exposing the reality that lobbyists for corporate interests are running just...