I’ve been waiting patiently, armed with foresight that one of these days Bush Derangement Syndrome would work its way into the Balloon Boy hoax story (no links on the story, if you don’t know about it, go back to your cave).
And I’ve waited. And waited. It has been almost a week. My faith tested but not broken.
Then the satisfaction of seeing my faith rewarded by none other than Frank Rich, doyen of the BDS community, guardian of the BDS crystal ball, all-knowing user of Bush as a metaphor for everything:
The Colorado balloon may have led to the rerouting of flights and the wasteful deployment of law enforcement resources. But at least it didn’t lead the country into fiasco the way George W. Bush’s flyboy spectacle on an aircraft carrier helped beguile most of the Beltway press and too much of the public into believing that the mission had been accomplished in Iraq.
Thank you Frank. Mission accomplished. For both of us.
Of Interest:
A Clintonian Defense of Our Nixonian President
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NeoCon Derangement Syndrome On Steroids
“Palin Lied, People Died” And Other Media Fictions
Bush Hid Ice Images From People Who Can’t Use Google
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Hasn't Bush been out of the presidency for about a year? Who cares what he did? That is like saying that FDR did something unusual. Like intentionally prolonging the depression for political gain. Much like Obama is doing now.
"doyen of the BDS community, guardian of the BDS crystal ball, all-knowing user of Bush as a metaphor for everything:"
LOL, really great post in general but I love this line in particular. I needed that laugh.
What Marysue said.
Yeah, what she said.
Of course, Rich repeats an "urban legend". The poster was for the completion of the aircraft carriers mission only. And by the way Bush was a pilot no matter what you may say. Anyone who gets into a military jet aircraft as pilot puts his life at risk. Did Rich serve, anywhere in any capacity?
The poster was for the completion of the aircraft carriers mission only.
Yeah, right. If you believe that… (insert bridge cliché)
And by the way Bush was a pilot no matter what you may say.
Until he decided that he wouldn't take the required physical to maintain his pilot's wings. Hmmm. I wonder why.
Anyone who gets into a military jet aircraft as pilot puts his life at risk.
Sure, as does anybody who gets into a car on the expressway. Defending South Texas from the Viet Cong while serving in a non-combat champagne unit was apparently not as risky as what some of the other young men were doing at the time. You can read their names on a big memorial in D.C.
At that time Vietnam war was cutting back. There were not enough flying hours for the entire unit. F-102 was an interceptor, and the North Vietnamese had shown no desire to take their aircraft south. There was nothing to intercept in Vietnam. Bush had completed his flying hours committment ahead of time, and was not going to be a career pilot, an unlikely event anyways because he would have been competing with pilots with combat experience in newer aircraft.
The brave thing people do is sign up, to make themselves subject to orders, when you do not know the future. What comes later is luck and following through.
Another of the many prominent NYT columnists suffering from acute BDS, Paul Krugman, actually blamed Obama's budget deficits on Ronald Reagan a few weeks ago.
Once again: Well done!
Looks like the Media Research Center liked your post too: