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Florida Tag

Another day, another TDS-addled adult bullying a teenager over a Trump hat.  This time, it's Palm City, Florida where a female bus aide repeatedly yelled at a 14-year-old male student to take off his hat before eventually physically removing it from his head. The student was wearing the hat for "hat day," and the school reportedly has no policy restricting political apparel.

It’s become a standard propaganda technique of the modern racial grievance industrial complex to target self-defense law for particularly intense hate-based attacks. This is most notable in their attacks on “Stand-Your-Ground,” a term that they've sought to make, and with some success, synonymous with "RACIST!!!” These efforts are not limited to “Stand-Your-Ground,” however, but rather are broadly applied to generally constrain the scope of conduct that qualifies as lawful self-defense, and thus deemed free of criminal liability.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order to end Common Core standards in the schools. From WPTV:
"One of things we would constantly hear about on the campaign trail is frustration from parents with Common Core and the testing," said Gov. DeSantis at a news conference at Ida S. Baker High School in Cape Coral.

Outgoing Broward County Supervisor of Elections has vowed to fight in court after Gov. Rick Scott suspended her "due to misfeasance, incompetence and neglect of duty." A report from The Tampa Bay Times may not help Snipes since a Broward County self-evaluation shows during the election, the county had problem after problem like mechanical errors, staffing shortages, and procedural violations.

I'm so old, I remember when Brenda Snipes, the controversial and disgraced Broward County Supervisor of Elections resigned after a firestorm of controversy over her handling of ballot counting in the 2018 midterms. The resignation was effective January 4, 2019, the day after Republican Rick Scott's term as Governor was to end and he was to move on to the U.S. Senate, having defeated Bill Nelson.

Brenda Snipes, the Broward County Election Supervisor, is credited with making Florida ballot counting a joke, once again. Republican Governor Rick Scott won the Senate race despite all the problems in Broward and Palm Beach Counties, where Bill Nelson closed the gap significantly after election day. Republican Ron DeSantis held off Andrew Gillum's post-election day surge as well, though it wasn't as close.