Fetterman: Election Wasn’t About ‘Fascism,’ Trump a ‘Singular Political Talent’
"Because you put a lot of Democrats, especially in my state, that I know, and I happen to love people that are going to vote for Trump, and they are not fascists."...
"Because you put a lot of Democrats, especially in my state, that I know, and I happen to love people that are going to vote for Trump, and they are not fascists."...
So smug. ...
I cannot speak in my usual Yankee way so I'll go Southern lady: Bless your heart, Trudeau....
"But even though the blockades are lifted, cross borders openings right now, even though things seem to be resolving very well in Ottawa this state of emergency is not over."...
“Never in my life would I have believed anyone if they told me that our own P.M. would refuse dialogue and choose violence against peaceful protesters instead.”...
The Ottawa police also declared war on the free press....
Trudeau's justice minister threatened those who donated to the convoy: "you should be worried."...
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment....
The Victorian police cracked down on Orthodox Jews for celebrating Rosh Hashanah. The police literally waited all day outside of the synagogue for the men to emerge. ...
Thank God we have a Second Amendment. ...
Pelosi is becoming an efficient fascist! ...
When fascism comes to America it will look like Jen Psaki and will be carrying the DNC flag....
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