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Europe Tag

The "we must do something now to save the planet" crowd is eating crow in Europe, as the European Commission biofuel plan is falling apart.As reported by The Independent, Biofuel plan will cause rise in carbon emissions:Britain's promise to more than double its use of...

Janet Daley at The Telegraph in Britain (h/t POWIP) has an interesting column on anti-Americanism in Europe, and how the Europeans just don't understand why we feel so strongly about our Constitution and personal freedoms.Daley makes some good points, but I particularly liked this portion of the...

Mission accomplished.  We're just like Europe, at least in terms of Gross Domestic Product per person (emphasis mine):For quite some time, the US and the leading EU countries have been fairly comparable in terms of output per hour worked. The US has had higher output per person...

Apparently, some people are claiming that Laura Bush went on a safari in Africa on the taxpayer's dime as a way of justifying Michelle Obama's mostly taxpayer-funded trip to the coast of Spain.Kirsten Powers responded to these claims, and also responded to shouts of bias...

The image of Obama as King (via Instapundit) has been inspired by Michelle Obama's over-the-top journey to the coast of Spain, the latest in a line of seemingly imperial indifferences to optics in these difficult economic times.The Daily News compared it to the royal court...

I previously posted about how Jews were being driven out of Malmö, Sweden, by violence from Muslim immigrants tolerated by anti-Israel leftists, Malmö Syndrome.As I made clear in that post, Malmö Syndrome was just one of many examples of how anti-Semitism inevitably rises from the...

Not by right-wingers, but by left-wingers, Leftists harass immigrants for supporting Germany:Leftist anarchists in Berlin have reportedly been harassing immigrants showing their support for the German football team during the World Cup, tearing down national flags and even setting one on fire.The leftists have been...

They merely want a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, Group of youths attack Jewish dance group:A Jewish dance group was attacked with stones by a group of children and teenagers during a performance at a street festival in the Germany city of...

The decision by Israel to "ease" the blockade of Gaza has evoked pretty strong opinions as to whether it represents a wise strategic move by Israel (my view) or a caving in which strengthens Hamas.One thing is clear, however, the easing of the land blockade...

Thanks to Solomonia for posting this 1956 cartoon about Israel's aggression. (Added) The cartoon shows Egyptian Gamal Abdel Nasser repeatedly taunting Israel's David Ben-Gurion, and in the last segment Ben Gurion finally hits back. The cartoon appears to be an allusion to the 1956 Suez...

Why does Obama want us to be more like Europe, with its supposedly compassionate and fair welfare state?The welfare state is not compassionate; it is the height of selfishness and generational cruelty:Across Western Europe, the “lifestyle superpower,” the assumptions and gains of a lifetime are...

Did I say "massive fail"? Isn't this like a horse designed by a committee? There have been some pretty awful Olympic mascots, but these have to be the worst, androgynous one-eyed freaks of nature.You be the judge of the design of Wenlock andMandeville:[youtube=]Click here for...

Intergenerational warfare is breaking out in Greece as youth blame their elders for the economic mess, resulting from decades of welfare-state policies, that has left Greece bankrupt.I wonder whether the questions being asked by the youth of Greece are the same questions our children and...

Gordon Brown is a man of the people. When the people are around.When alone with aides, he dismissed as bigoted a woman who expressed concerns about how immigration from Eastern Europe would affect the economy. But moments earlier, in public, he praised the woman.As reported...

Seems like someone is learning from the Obama campaign, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Sheldon Whitehouse and other American Democrats.From last night's debate among candidates in Britain (emphasis mine): [Liberal Democrat candidate Nick] Clegg, tried to tie [Conservative candidate David] Cameron to right-wing extremists, a standard...

The ruling Labour Party in Britain has used its control of the National Health Service to help its campaign for the May 6 general election, via the Times of London:Labour was today caught up in a new row over its use of personal data after...

The more I learn about the people on board the Polish presidential plane which crashed outside Smolensk, the more I understand the depth of the tragedy for Poland.Killed in the plane crash alongside Polish President Lech Kaczynski was Anna Walentynowicz.Prior to the crash I was...

As far at I can tell, the date of the funeral for Polish President Lech Kaczynski and the others killed in the plane crash has not yet been set.Undoubtedly, this will be a monumental event with dignitaries from around the world, and millions of people...