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Energy Tag

Saying the United States should transition away from fossil fuels is a popular idea on the left. It's not workable in real life, however. Millions of people depend on fossil fuels not only to heat and light their homes, but for their jobs. During the final debate last night, Joe Biden said the United States should transition away from the oil industry. This was red meat for his base and the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, but it won't play with millions of voters who live in the real world.

2020 Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden moved to the left during Tuesday's debate. He did this despite having a decent lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Biden may have damaged his chances in key swing states by going after the energy sector.

The State of New York has a natural gas shortage, the result of years of the administration of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and environmentalists fighting the construction of new supply pipelines. A June 2019 report by The Manhattan Institute documented the shortage and its causes, Out of Gas: New York’s Blocked Pipelines Will Hurt Northeast Consumers: