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Earlier this week, Politico published an excerpt from former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile where she said she found a document that showed a deal between failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and the DNC. Brazile wrote that the agreement "specified that in exchange for raising money and investing in the DNC, Hillary would control the party’s finances, strategy, and all the money raised." NBC News has published this memo, which shows the control given to Hillary and her campaign. This includes hiring of DNC employees acceptable to the fundraising committee Hillary for America (HFA).

From leaking debate questions to Hillary Clinton to allegedly rigging the Democrat primary in Hillary's favor and from announcing that pro-life Democrats are no longer welcome to funding the Trump dossier, the DNC has come under fire for some pretty outrageous behavior and some deeply disturbing statements and actions. Recently, the DNC was also under fire for former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT employee who was arrested earlier this year and who was one of four under investigation for breaching the U. S. House of Representatives computer system. The DNC has multiple openings in IT, and DNC's Data Service Manager Madeleine Leader sent out an email in which she specifically states that she would "prefer" the openings not be forwarded to "cisgender straight white males, since they're already in the majority."

While everyone concentrates on the White House, the Democrat Party continues to dive deeper into a civil war. Former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile has taken aim at failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaign. Democratic strategist Stanley Greenerg is "still fuming about Hillary Clinton," especially since Democrat candidates are still using her failed tactics.

DNC Chair Tom Perez was asked a direct question on Tuesday about how much the DNC paid to the law firm that paid Fusion GPS and who authorized the payment. Perez responded with a long rambling answer about how awful Trump is.

President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday that he has never seen so much "anger & unity" among Republicans over the "lack of investigation" into Hillary Clinton's connection to a dossier developed in the 2016 presidential race to smear him. Trump made the comments after Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Oversight committee, said on Fox News Sunday that he has concerns over Hillary's campaign paying a law firm over $12 million for the dossier.

On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that the Democrats and failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton funded the now-debunked Trump Dossier that has allegations of collusion between now-President Donald Trump and Russia. Today, the non-partisan Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that claims Hillary's campaign and the DNC violated campaign finance law over payments for the Trump Dossier.

Democrats and the left have been attempting a soft coup on the Trump presidency since election day. One of the key factors in this attempt to unseat a duly-elected president was the now infamous and thoroughly-debunked "Trump dossier" that falsely alleged Trump connections to, even collusion with, Russia. This document, it is now being reported, was funded by the Clinton campaign and by the DNC, then led by disgraced former DNC chair Debbie Wassermann-Schultz.

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) continues on its downward spiral as many longtime officials have lost their jobs on top committees. However, it doesn't appear it will help things since reports suggest that the progressives within the party view it as "retaliation" since they opposed DNC Chairman Tom Perez.

The RNC has continued its dominance over the DNC when it comes to fundraising in 2017. The Republicans managed to raise $10.2 million in July compared to the Democrats' $3.8 million in July. One would think with all the negative media coverage of President Donald Trump and the GOP in Congress not repealing Obamacare the RNC would be the ones in trouble.

The last 14 months or so have not been kind to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. First the DNC had emails leaked, which led to her losing her position as chairwoman. Then she caught fire when she kept IT aide Imran Awan on her payroll even after the FBI placed him under an investigation for stealing equipment and breaching the House IT system. She didn't fire him until officials arrested him on bank fraud charges. Now her party wants nothing to do with her. Some members spoke to Politico and put their names on their statements.

Former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is at the center of a scandal involving her former IT staffer. We covered the scandal in recent posts: But you'd never know there was a scandal by the amount of time the mainstream media spends talking about it. Tim Graham reports at News Busters:

The Democratic National Committee hit a record low for fundraising in April and the news got no better in May. After Democrat donors pumped a massive amount of cash into the Georgia runoff election this month, the party as a whole is hurting financially. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
Democrats had the worst May fundraising since 2003 The Democratic National Committee raised nearly $4.3 million in May, making it the organization's worst May on record for fundraising since 2003, according to newly released Federal Election Commission data.