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Last week as the Mueller Report was about to drop, Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institution and the National Review Institute was interviewed by The Epoch Times as part of their American Thought Leaders series. He offered his thoughts on the Mueller investigation, the Trump presidency, and much more.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are some of the unalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator. Life is the most important right because without it, the other rights don't matter or exist. Someone needs to remind North Carolina Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper of these unalienable rights. Cooper vetoed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which required doctors to save babies who survive abortion.

The mainstream media loves to trot out the term "dark money" when reporting on the political activities of conservative mega-donors like Charles and David Koch, Sheldon Adelson, and others. They use the term less frequently when talking about liberal mega-donors, but a new report detailing one billion-dollar network in particular leaves no doubt that the influence of dark money is alive and well, and thriving among Democrats in spite of their protestations to the contrary.

It's like clockwork.  When a prominent Democrat lands themselves in hot water, the Washington Post oftentimes publishes puff pieces or fact checks defending them. They did it with Virginia House Delegate Kathy Tran over her infanticide bill and with Gov. Ralph Northam's defense of it. Now they're doing it with Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-5), who recently noted that 9/11 was perpetrated when "some people did something."

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is one of 18 or 19 Democrats running for president, has enjoyed mostly fawning press coverage since he entered the race back in January. But he hadn't really done anything early on to differentiate himself from the crowded field of contenders. So he decided to do something about it. Along the way, our so-called "impartial" mainstream media eagerly lent him a helping hand. They invented a "feud" with VP Mike Pence that did not exist.

No one presents a greater threat to Democrats than members of identity groups who reject identity politics and embrace individual liberty and conservatism. Conservative women, gays, and black people are treated with open animosity by the left.

It wasn't enough that #TheResistance shouted DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a private DC restaurant in the summer of 2018. It wasn't enough that they made it personal by converging on her home, yelling chants and playing audio clips of immigrant children allegedly being separated from their families at the border. Now, as Nielsen prepares to make her exit from the Trump administration, a group comprised of some familiar high-profile Resistance faces have taken it a step further by urging a hiring boycott. And not just against Nielsen, but against any Trump officials involved in the so-called "child separation" immigration policy.

House Republicans attempted to add pro-Israel and anti-BDS language into an unrelated resolution on Thursday. The resolution "aimed to end U.S. participation in Yemen’s civil war," which has caused a humanitarian crisis, "where Iran-backed Houthi rebels have sought to overthrow the country’s government, prompting a Saudi bombing campaign that has lasted nearly four years." It passed 247 to 175, but the pro-Israel amendment failed to make it in with a vote of 228-194.

It's "Al Sharpton Primary" week in New York City, and many of the 2020 Democratic candidates for president have lined up to kiss the reverend's ring at the annual National Action Network convention. One in particular is Beto O'Rourke, failed candidate for U.S. Senate. In a flip flop from his earlier positions on the reparations issue, the former El Paso Congressman told the crowd in attendance Wednesday he'd be on board with signing a proposed reparations bill:
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke appeared Wednesday to back off his initial opposition to slavery reparations, saying he would support a bill in Congress to study and consider the payments.