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Democrats Tag

The Russia narrative is pretty much dead in the water. So now Democrats, who have never accepted Trump's victory in the 2016 election, are trying a new strategy to remove him from office by questioning his mental health.

If you know anything about President Obama, you know that he loves to campaign and he's quite good at it. He loves speaking to adoring crowds of fans, and answering softball questions from his disciples in the press. Obama signaled his eminent return to politics by weighing in on the special election in Georgia. Politics USA reported:
Obama Jumps Into GA Special Election Race To Slam ‘Shameful’ GOP Voter Suppression Tactics Just a day before voters in Georgia’s sixth congressional district will choose between underdog Democrat Jon Ossoff and Trump-supported Republican Karen Handel, former President Barack Obama jumped into the race to slam GOP efforts to suppress the vote.

The Democratic National Committee hit a record low for fundraising in April and the news got no better in May. After Democrat donors pumped a massive amount of cash into the Georgia runoff election this month, the party as a whole is hurting financially. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
Democrats had the worst May fundraising since 2003 The Democratic National Committee raised nearly $4.3 million in May, making it the organization's worst May on record for fundraising since 2003, according to newly released Federal Election Commission data.

The Democrats' obsession with Russia-Trump collusion conspiracy theories has been long on innuendo, and short on facts. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy has been a leader in spreading the innuendo. During a February interview with CNN, Murphy warned it's "as scary as it gets":

THEY DO EXIST! Yes, Congress still has Blue Dog Democrats within its walls. The group consists of only 18 members, but it could be enough to push tax reform through this year. These Democrats view themselves as ones who can help "broker a bipartisan deal." The Hill reported:
“If it’s constructive, if they’re genuinely interested in ideas and making it a bipartisan effort, then the Blue Dogs are certainly willing to participate,” said Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-Ga.), a member of the group.

James Devine—the Dem strategist who tweeted #HuntRepublicanCongressmen in the hours following the shooting of Republican Congressman Steve Scalise—was a guest on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show last night. Devine's rambling and confused argument ultimately led Tucker to tell Devine that he is an "unbalanced person." But listen carefully to what Devine said, and you'll detect what amounts to his justification of the Scalise shooting. He first quotes Sen. Rand Paul [whom Devine twice calls "Paul Rand"] to the effect that the purpose of the Second Amendment is to permit people to "shoot at a tyrannical government."

An estimated 6.7 to 9.2 million Americans who voted for Obama switched to Trump in 2016, and the Democrats have no true understanding of why that happened.  They have largely avoided serious introspection about their loss last November, let alone about the massive losses they accrued during Obama's two terms in office. The result is Party-wide confusion and incomprehension that has manifested as seething anger, lashing out at anyone and everyone, and plowing forward with an agenda that the majority of the American people simply do not want. The New York Times has a dense and richly-sourced article that highlights some key problems for Democrats moving forward.  Here are a few highlights: Busting the narrative that Trump voters who formerly voted for Democrats were mostly white, working class.

Identity politics seemed to help Democrats . . . until it didn't.  In the wake of their devastating presidential election loss in 2016, Democrats have steadfastly avoided confronting the myriad flaws in their "divide and conquer" strategy that centers on creating a seemingly endless number of imagined underclasses and then nurturing their outrage, fear, and dissatisfaction all the way to the ballot box. What little meaningful reflection on the devastation of the Democratic Party that has taken place since November has done so on the new fringes created by a seismic shift in the party.  Where once the radical voices screeched about the evils of America, now the more moderate establishment Democrats and pundits are the radicals, advocating moderation and realignment.

Al Franken has been forced to cancel appearances with two of his liberal friends in entertainment in just the last two weeks. Franken was scheduled to make an appearance with liberal comedian Kathy Griffin in July but cancelled when Griffin imploded over the highly publicized photo of her holding President Trump's severed head. Now he's backing out of an appearance on Bill Maher's HBO program. Todd Van Luling reports at the Huffington Post:
Senator Al Franken Cancels Bill Maher Appearance Amid Controversy A spokesperson for Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) confirmed to HuffPost that the senator is canceling his appearance on the upcoming episode of “Real Time” in the wake of host Bill Maher’s use of a racial slur on-air.

Having sustained truly historic losses over the course of Obama's presidency and into President Trump's first term, the Democrats need a winning platform plank, and they think they've found it in single-payer health care. With surprising Democrat base support for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) in the 2016 Democrat primaries and with California taking the lead with its ludicrously expensive single-payer health care scheme, Democrats are lunging left on health care.  So much so, that they may be on their way to rebranding as "the single-payer party."

In her latest round of excuses for losing this week, Hillary Clinton laid blame at the feet of the Democratic National Committee. People at the DNC are not happy about it and are pushing back. Amber Athey reports at the Daily Caller:
DNC Data Director: Hillary Claims Are ‘F**king Bulls**t’ The former director of data science at the Democratic National Committee blasted Hillary Clinton on Twitter after she tried to blame the DNC for her electoral defeat. Clinton claimed Wednesday that the DNC fell far behind the RNC in terms of voter and data analysis, saying the DNC’s data was “mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong.”

There is still bitterness in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party from Bernie Sanders supporters who believe the primary was rigged for Hillary Clinton. This problem was compounded when Tom Perez, a Clinton loyalist, was chosen to lead the DNC over Keith Ellison who had been endorsed by Sanders. Now the DNC has formed a new commission and it's made up entirely of Clinton people. Michael Sainato reports at The Observer:
DNC Voting Commission Consists Entirely of Clinton Surrogates, Ignores Own Primaries The Nation reported on May 25 that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is launching a voting commission in response to President Donald Trump and Republicans forming their “election integrity” commission. Ari Berman for the Nation wrote, “The DNC says its commission will debunk the myth that voter fraud is widespread, document the impact of voter suppression efforts in the 2016 election, and propose solutions to expand voting rights.”

While the liberal media fantasizes about a Democratic Party wave in 2018, the reality is that the party is still struggling to find a message. Anti-Trump rage is not a platform and it's not translating into dollars. Anna Giaritelli reports at the Washington Examiner:
DNC reports worst April of fundraising since 2009 The Democratic National Committee reported its worst April of fundraising since 2009, according to Federal Election Commission records released Monday.

The anti-Trump fervor we've been documenting is not limited to college campuses, the mainstream media, and well-organized and -funded leftist organizations.  The unhinged hatred for our president most recently manifested at California's Democratic Party Convention where its chairman, John Burton, raised his middle finger and lead a chant of “F*%! Donald Trump." The Sacramento Bee reports:
The anti-Trump fervor at California’s Democratic Party convention this weekend can be summarized in choice words from outgoing chair of the California Democratic Party, John Burton: “F*%! Donald Trump.”