David Hogg | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Parkland activist David Hogg has carved out a special place in the hearts and minds of the uber-left and is thoroughly enjoying every minute, seeming at times drunk with the power he perceives he possesses. Hogg has no power on his own, of course, but he does have substantial power bestowed upon him by the targets of his destructive activism, power that Publix, at least, acknowledges as it suspends political donations in light of Hogg's anti-Second Amendment, anti-NRA "die-in" effort.

The leftist attempt to take down Fox News by methodically targeting each show's host and the show's advertisers seems to have hit a wrinkle as Laura Ingraham's show is still boasting high ratings.  In addition to her high ratings, she has also had one advertiser return to her show. Ace Hardware, my new favorite hardware retailer, has returned to Ingraham's show.  They say that they made the decision to pull their ads because they didn't have the whole story.

It appears that Fox News will not give in to the David Hogg, Media Matters and #TheResistance driven faux outrage over Laura Ingraham's mild rebuke of Hogg as someone who "whines." That faux outrage has been used to intimidate advertisers into fleeing Ingraham's highly-rated program. Fox News co-President Jack Abernathy just released this statement (via L.A. Times):

There is an all out assault in progress trying to drive Laura Ingraham off television and radio, led by Parkland student and newly-minted media star David Hogg. Ingraham is a target, superficially, because she mocked Hogg as a whiner in a tweet after he publicly griped that several colleges had rejected him. On the scale of internet insults, saying that someone is "whining" doesn't even register it's so mild.

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg has spent the last month and a half criticizing 2nd Amendment supporters in the most grotesque terms. His latest tirade accused those who disagree with him as "sick f**kers":
"I’m beyond exhausted," Hogg said. "I get to a certain point where I just get so tired that I keep going. It creates a positive feedback loop in some ways — the more stress and work I put on me, the more stress and work I can deal with."