Criminal Law | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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Now that San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin has been successfully recalled, all attention is turning to Los Angeles DA George Gascón, who is essentially cut from the same cloth as Boudin. The people organizing the effort to recall Gascón are now saying that they have collected the necessary number of signatures to move forward with their plan.

In what appears to be yet another politically-motivated prosecution of a white police officer who lawfully defended himself from a violent, non-compliant black suspect, Grand Rapids Officer Christopher Schurr has been charged with second-degree murder over the April 4, 2022 shooting death of Patrick Lyoya, according to FOX News. I previously wrote about this case right here at Legal Insurrection back in April:

Reminder: Fighting a Cop for Control of Taser Will Likely Get You Lawfully Shot

Reminder: Fighting a Cop for Control of Taser Will Likely Get You Lawfully Shot On April 4, 2022, Patrick Lyoya was shot and killed by a Grand Rapids police officer after violently fighting lawful arrest following an attempt to flee a traffic stop, and after refusing to give up control of the Taser Lyoya had seized from the officer during their struggle. Essentially the entirety of the physical confrontation between Lyoya and the officer was captured on video, in various forms—the officer’s body camera until that was disabled in the struggle, the officer’s dash camera video from his patrol vehicle, and a bystander’s smartphone video.  These videos were yesterday released by the Grand Rapids Police Department, along with extensive commentary, during an hour-long press conference.  You can watch that press conference in its entirety here: