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College Insurrection Tag

The Young America's Foundation chapter at the University of California Los Angeles is hosting a lecture by conservative feminist Christina Hoff Sommers but campus feminists find that offensive and took it upon themselves to tear down campus flyers. The YAF blog reports:
WATCH: CSULA Feminists Tear Down YAF Fliers for Sommers Lecture Thursday morning, members of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at California State University- Los Angeles (CSULA) caught a pair of disgruntled feminists on camera tearing down flyers advertising the group’s lecture with Christina Hoff Sommers scheduled for Oct. 4.

An actor named Isaiah Washington has proposed a national day of boycott which is what inspired the walkout and march at Reed College. KATU News reports:
Students hold demonstration on Reed College campus for 'National Day of Boycott' PORTLAND, Ore. — Hundreds of students and staff walked out of class and marched across Reed College Monday for the National Day of Boycott, carrying signs and raising a chant as they streamed across the quad. Organizers said the boycott is to “stand in solidarity of the black and brown students” at the college.

Concepts like safe spaces and microaggressions are so ridiculous that it's easy to forget that there are people who take them seriously. Really seriously. Case in point: Young Americans for Freedom recently held a meeting at the University of Kansas and some social justice warriors showed up. You can probably imagine how things went. Heat Street reports:
Wow: Students Scream, Swear at U of Kansas Classmates for Questioning Safe Spaces Students from the University of Kansas’ Young America’s Foundation just learned the hard way that those who advocate for “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” for themselves aren’t as courteous about other people’s feelings.