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College Insurrection Tag

Back in November of 2015, we covered a Black Lives Matter protest at Dartmouth College which loudly invaded a school library, making it impossible for students to study:
Dartmouth College students who are part of the Black Lives Matter movement recently staged a protest which invaded a school library. As we reported yesterday at College Insurrection, some students who were trying to study allege physical assault. Campus Reform has the details:
Dartmouth students lead profane Black Lives Matter protest Black-clad protesters gathered in front of Dartmouth Hall Thursday night, forming a crowd roughly one hundred fifty strong.

In recent years, driven in part by federal directives and radical leftist feminism, we're at the point where college males who are accused of sexual misconduct are more likely to be tried in a campus 'Kangaroo Courts' than a court of law, as we wrote in Kangaroo courts for men on campus:
The media often wonders why young men are staying away from universities and colleges. Perhaps the hostile environment on campuses is part of the reason. Universities, protected by law and compelled by a directive from the Obama Department of Education, have established a kangaroo campus court system in which young men regularly face life-changing quasi-judicial proceedings based on accusations of sexual misconduct at which they have little due process protection.