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U. Maryland Advises Faculty Not to Use Term “Illegal Alien”

U. Maryland Advises Faculty Not to Use Term “Illegal Alien”

“defend undocumented students”

Like all directives on what kind of speech is acceptable, this is about control. Nothing more.

The College Fix reports:

Public university: Don’t use ‘illegal alien’ or ask about immigration status

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Maryland has advised its faculty and staff not to ask about a student’s immigration status or use the term “illegal alien.”

The requests are part of a “What You Can Do” online message to employees as the public university works to help students in the country illegally feel safe and secure. The message is contained within a larger “Undocumented Student Resources” website recently rolled out by the university.

It’s among several efforts underway at the College Park campus to protect and defend undocumented students. Student government leaders are also working to lobby for protection for their undocumented peers, and student activists have called for more resources for them and a “sanctuary campus” label.

As for the resources website, it debuted last fall, and lists information regarding both federal and state legislation that concerns undocumented students, including the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals and the Maryland Dream Act.


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As the proud son of a legal immigrant, the wisdom of rewarding people or families who break ours laws still escapes me. You should expect to be at least inconvenienced when you do so.

Personally, I prefer “economic invader”. After all, they are invaders, here illegally.