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Climate Change Tag

The recent G7 economic summit included exchanges between Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and French President Emmanuel Macron that was nearly as heated as the Amazon wildfires. During the summit, the G7 nations had agreed to send aid to fight the fires in the Amazon. Brazil rejected that offer, with a concise reminder about the Notre Dame blaze and European deforestation.

President Donald Trump has promised to roll back business-killing regulations to create a healthier economic climate. Some of the most difficult of those regulations came from the "Endangered Species Act." The government implemented the rules initially to protect whales, eagles, and other wildlife. It eventually devolved into a green dictatorship in which small fish and insects could be used to prohibit land and business development.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling Christian Democratic party (CDU) has supported plans to raise meat prices to fight climate change. The meat tax, initially proposed by the Social Democrats (SPD) and the Green Party, will sharply increase the prices of meat products by raising the tax rate from the current rate of 7 percent to 19 percent.

During my family vacation this year, we stopped in Iceland for a few days. The country was spectacular, and one of the memories I will cherish is our hike to the Solheimajokull Glacier. While hiking, I noted the glacial lake and the signs warning visitors to be worried about calving, especially during summer months. Overall, it was a worry-free day of quality family time.

The UK junior Foreign Office Minister has been suspended after a scuffle with a 'climate' protester. The altercation took place when close to forty Greenpeace activists, most of them women, stormed a black-tie dinner in Central London.

Back at the height of the global warming craze in 2009, before leftists rebranded it "climate change," supposed experts predicted all the glaciers in Montana would disappear by 2020.
Daniel Fagre, a U.S. Geological Survey ecologist, warns that glaciers may be melting at an even faster rate than originally predicted, according to National Geographic. Fagre has been conducting research in the national park since the early 1980s.