We have featured Tulane University student Chloé Simone Valdary before.
We highlighted a great video Valdary produced for a pro-Israel event to be held at Tulane.
For that effort, Valdary was attacked by the usual suspects like
Max Blumenthal, as being an Israel Lobby paid stooge. As
Lori Lowenthal Marcus reports, the event Valdaray promoted took place with great success in late March, attended by over 400 pro-Israel students.
But there has been a more sinister angle to the attacks on Valdary, as we highlighted in out post about
The ugly, repugnant attack on a pro-Israel black American student, including a series of nasty racialized tweets by Richard Silverstein, like this one:
Is race behind the attacks on Valdary? Yes, says an op-ed column in The NY Post by Anthony Hardy Williams, the Democratic whip in the Pennsylvania state Senate, whose father worked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and broke the color barrier at Penn State,
The racism of the Israel-bashers: