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Cancel Culture Tag

We have covered for a decade the campus shout-downs and shut-downs of speakers, the incessant thought policing, the political correctness run amok, and in recent years, the cancel culture and repression of free expression. We also have documented how the campus culture has migrated to the broader culture, reflected in Big Tech censorship and repression.

The purge of anything and everyone even vaguely related to President Trump is taking yet another ominous turn. Two banks, Deutsche and Signature, severed ties with Trump ostensibly due to the Capitol events of January 6th, but apparently just having a pro-Trump internet business is enough to get one cancelled.

Last week, the Daily Beast reported that New York Times health and science reporter Donald McNeil Jr. had landed himself in hot water with the paper over allegations he used racially offensive and sexist language during a 2019 student trip to Peru. The educational trip, which was open to high school and middle school students and their families, was sponsored by the Times.