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George W. Bush Tag

Stop the presses: the percentage of people without health insurance has dropped in the first quarter of 2014. But if a decline in the uninsured rate hadn't occurred when Obamacare began, now that would have been a shock. After all, if you give Medicaid to a whole new group of people, offer subsidies to a huge number of other lower-income people, and stick everyone else with penalties for not getting insurance, it could be expected that the rate of those without health insurance would go down. And I don't recall (although I could be missing something) that anyone on the right was suggesting that the total rate of the medically uninsured would fail to go down as a result of Obamacare. The real questions were and are (a) how much of a dent it would actually make in the uninsured (a figure that was probably somewhat elusive to begin with); (b) at what cost, both in money and disruption; (c) what quality of insurance would be the result; (d) what the effect on our health care system would be over time; and (e) the effect on our liberty. But anyway, here are the stats are from Gallup. Unfortunately, I can't find a link to the actual study, and I always prefer to look at the more complete picture, but let's look at the chart from the summary version:

At first I assumed this was an anti-Bush bumper sticker. From Danelle:
Seen in North Texas

Bumper Stickers - North Texas - Cowboy White House left Bumper Stickers - North Texas - Cowboy White House right

But Danelle sent this link to the song Cowboy in The White House, and an article from 2003 about the song:

He just keeps saying it. “You know, Senator Chuck Hagel, when he was senator, Senator Chuck Hagel, now secretary of defense, and when I was a senator, we opposed the president’s decision to go into Iraq, but we know full well how that evidence was used...

I can't imagine why GWB would want to miss Obama's 2nd Inauguration Really, it's hard to understand. I mean, really....

Peter Ferrara at Forbes, Why America Is Going To Miss The Bush Tax Cuts, examines the propaganda perpetrated for a decade by the media and Democrats about the Bush tax cuts: Because so many major media institutions, like the New York Times and the Washington Post, have...

Thanks to Windbag in the Tip Line for the link to this music video by the group The Voters. Why hasn't this video gone viral?  It only has 9800 views on YouTube. Spread the link via the share function on the YouTube page, or spread this post via the Twitter...

What is known in the media and Obama campaign speak as The Worst Recession Since The Great Depression, or The Great Recession, is Obama's excuse for everything. It's Bush's fault, Obama inherited all our problems, etc. The Bush Great Recession is Obama's pass to pass the buck. So keep in...

Today in South Carolina politics: Rumors are swirling based on rumors of rumors that Nikki Haley is going to be indicted for something she did or didn't do almost a decade ago in connection with her family's fundraising to build a Sikh Temple.  She denies any...

"BREAKING" -- “Congratulations to Governor Mitt Romney on his win last night and to all the candidates for a hard fought, thoughtful debate and primary season,” said Bush in a statement. “Primary elections have been held in thirty-four states, and now is the time for Republicans to...

A tweet regarding reports that an unnamed senior Republican Senator asserted to ABC News that if Romney cannot win Michigan, "we need a new candidate."  The "we" apparently is the Republican political establishment, and the new candidate according to the Senator is Jeb Bush. To which Ed...

Some of the best YouTube videos are the ones you find when you are looking for something else. And I think this is a pretty good one for three reasons.  First, how great is it to see this piece of history?  Second, it highlights the argument...

Only John Sununu, Sr. could make me like Chris Matthews. Sununu was George H.W. Bush's Chief of Staff.  He holds a bitter grudge against Newt because Newt opposed Bush breaking his no new taxes pledge, and he convinced Bush to nominate David Souter. Sununu will be the guy whispering in Romney's...

Bob Woodward had a lengthy article yesterday in The Washington Post, In his debut in Washington’s power struggles, Gingrich threw a bomb. The article concerns Newt's refusal as Republican Whip to go along with George H.W. Bush's 1990 deal with Democrats to raise taxes. The deal, which breached Bush's "read...

You probably have heard about the inappropriate booing of one of our national figures.  Such conduct undoubtedly reflected latent racial tingedness and ethnic subtextism. The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a profile of the type of person who engages in such conduct, after an exhaustive study of the person who once threw a...

That's the suggestion made by some readers in response to my post about Rick Perry's brain freeze in last night's debate.  It's also a theme followed up by commenter OwenJ in an e-mail to me, which reads: Some time ago, responding to the response from some...

William Kristol writes: For every American conservative, not once but whenever he wants it, it’s always the evening of November 4, 1980, the instant when we knew Ronald Reagan, the man who gave the speech in the lost cause of 1964, leader of the movement since 1966,...

which prove that George W. Bush lied about his military service. History No. 1:  Dan cannot let you see the documents which he obtained from an anonymous source he cannot reveal.  But the documents, in Dan's estimation, reflect "inappropriate" conduct the exact nature of which cannot...