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boycott Tag

Carbonite, a company I never heard of except through its advertising on Rush Limbaugh's show, has dropped Rush nothwithstanding Rush's apology. Here is the statement released earlier tonight: A Statement from David Friend, CEO of Carbonite as of 6:45pm ET, March 3: “No one with daughters the age...

I have featured the vile (I'm being restrained here) anti-Israel Boycott Divest Sanction movement before, including their attempts to disrupt businesses owned by Israelis or doing business with Israel.  The BDS movement is an iteration of the Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition. IsraellyCool has come up with a...

Be sure to buy-cott Motorola, along with Sabra Hummus and Aroma Cafe. Why does it seem these anti-Israel flash mobs overwhelmingly are made up of crazy-eyed females? ...

This is classic (h/t BlazingCatFur). A member of the anti-Israel Boycott Divest Sanction movement (we've seen their moonbat tactics before) confronted Muslim shop owners in London demanding that they not sell Israeli products.  The shop owners were not intimidated and demanded to know why she wasn't in...

An Israeli start-up company has invented the technology to charge cell phones, kitchen appliances, and even the Chevy Volt, wirelessly  (via Israel Matzav):Israel Matzav has more of the story.I can't wait until the idiot moonbats who want to boycott Israeli products need their cell phones...

I have written many times before about the risks of organizing a boycott, and I have detailed the many boycotts which have failed in the last two years.The "National Opt-Out Day" protest, in which air travelers were to opt out of the full body scan...

Those anti-pot folks are really just anti-gay bigots anyway, via AlterNet:"Predictably, the anti-pot forces have brought everything they have — mostly hyperbole, in other words — to the battle. To hear them tell it, California’s very future is at stake, and not only that but perhaps...

I have enjoyed chronicling the many not too big to fail boycotts which have taken place in the past 18 months that I've been blogging, including (but not limited to):California, Utah, and Mormons in general because of Prop 8Connecticut because of Joe LiebermanThe Susan G....

Did I say "massive fail"? Isn't this like a horse designed by a committee? There have been some pretty awful Olympic mascots, but these have to be the worst, androgynous one-eyed freaks of nature.You be the judge of the design of Wenlock andMandeville:[youtube=]Click here for...

The bullying by Congressional committees of various unpopular industries has taken on warp speed.But in a very disturbing new tactic, Congressional Democrats specifically are targeting a sponsor of conservative media shows, particularly the Glenn Beck Show, on a flimsy pretext: Forget Goldman. New York Rep....

Apparently, it constitutes race baiting to mention Al Sharpton when criticizing the boycott of Arizona, according to Kevin Johnson, at ImmigrationProf Blog:The website mentioned in Palin's message includes the following "defense" of Arizona:"instead of taking action to help, the state has come under attack...

I was waiting for this ruling, because I could not stand living in a world where it was illegal to wear baggy pants so low that your ass showed.From Britain, our window into the future where underpants get to see the light of day (emphasis...

This whole boycott thing is getting really confusing.California is boycotting Arizona because of the Arizona immigration law.But weren't we already supposed to be boycotting California because of Prop. 8?Or if not the entire State of California, then at least the counties which voted for Prop....

One idea being floated on the internet is a "National Strike" on January 20, 2010, to protest Obama's State of the Union address in light of the irresponsible health care legislation and out-of-control spending.I completely sympathize with the emotion behind the idea. But the idea...

Michael Moore is calling for a boycott of Connecticut because of Joe Lieberman. Yes, the whole state is persona non grata because Independent Joe acted like Independent Joe:"People of Connecticut: What have u done 2 this country? We hold u responsible. Start recall of Lieberman...

Just a couple of days ago I wrote of the fundraising boycott of the Democratic National Committee and Obama campaign apparatus by liberal gay rights activists. The boycott was in reaction to almost complete inaction, and in some cases what was perceived as insulting conduct,...

A group of prominent gay-rights bloggers, activists, and fundraisers, led by AMERICAblogGAY, is launching a boycott on contributions to the Democratic National Committee and Obama's campaign apparatus:We are asking voters to pledge to withhold contributions to the Democratic National Committee, Organizing for America, and the...

The lesson being learned by the left-wing blogosphere from the sputtering Glenn Beck boycott and the Van Jones Affair is not that political arguments should be won on the merits, and in the hearts and minds of the public.No, the lesson being learned is that...