Barney Frank on Obamacare: “they just lied to people”
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview. "But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people." "He should have said, 'Look, in some cases the health care plans that you've got are really inadequate, and in your own interests, we're going to change them,'" Frank said. "But that's not what he said."Frank was a 16th term Congressman from Massachusetts who retired from career politics in 2012. But he has always been an outspoken supporter of Obama and the Obamacare law itself. In fact, just four years ago, Frank equated Obamacare opponents to bullies that drive teenagers to suicide.: