Barney Frank | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Former Democratic Congressman and outspoken liberal Barney Frank has some surprisingly harsh words for President Barack Obama. Frank was interviewed recently by The Huffington Post:
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview. "But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people." "He should have said, 'Look, in some cases the health care plans that you've got are really inadequate, and in your own interests, we're going to change them,'" Frank said. "But that's not what he said."
Frank was a 16th term Congressman from Massachusetts who retired from career politics in 2012. But he has always been an outspoken supporter of Obama and the Obamacare law itself. In fact, just four years ago, Frank equated Obamacare opponents to bullies that drive teenagers to suicide.:

you know the Democratic Party has a problem. From his going away interview (almost) in New York Magazine (italics added)(h/t @ByronYork): You think Obama overinterpreted his mandate with health care? The problem with health care is this: Health care is enormously important to people. When you tell them that...

I was in the car this morning when I heard on the news that Barney Frank was retiring and would not run for re-election. Obviously there is a lot of snark which could be thrown around, but this represents a bigger deal than Barney.  As more...

Need I say more to Barney Frank than Margery Egan says today in The Boston Herald:After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote.On election night, he lost my respect as well.Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience.There was the congressional king of...

The Boston Globe, which is all in for the Democrats, has released a poll (via HotAir) showing Barney Frank up 13 points against Sean Beilat, but still well below 50%. Beware The Boston Glove bearing polls.  Remember this headline, just 9 days prior to the...

On October 20, I published my Top 10 List for donations (not necessarily the 10 most important races), based on the following criteria:  Must be current Democratic seat; must be toss-up or possibility of an upset of a big name Democrat; and must not be...

Support Sean Beilat, and fight the machine:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Shocker - Barney Frank Takes Money From Bailout Execs This Man Just Restructured The Entire Financial SystemWall Street Was Not Where The Economic Meltdown BeganFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Barney Frank finally has a campaign fight on his hands, and this report from The Boston Herald cannot help, Barney Frank rakes in $40G from bailed out banks:U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, in an intensifying clash with GOP upstart Sean Bielat, has pledged not to take...

Remember my now-classic post about all the "little-noticed" provisions in Obamacare, "Little-Noticed" is the New "Unexpected"?Well, "little-noticed" is back, this time with regard to the equally massive text of the financial regulation overhaul, SEC Says New FinReg Law Exempts It From Public Disclosure (emphasis mine):So much for...

Scott Brown didn't see the forest for the trees in deciding to support Chris Dodd and Barney Frank's financial reform legislation.Although Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins went along also, they did so only after Brown made his announcement. If Brown had come out strongly against...

Nothing in the civil suit filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission alleges that Goldman Sachs caused the housing bubble or burst it.The transaction at issue in that case was between highly sophisticated investment firms, and had no more to do with the housing market...

First it was the Senate Gang of Six who took it upon themselves to fix Joe Wilson's imaginary loophole, the one which caused Wilson out of frustration to accuse Barack Obama of lying as to whether Democratic health care proposals included illegal aliens. And caused...

Scrolling through Doug Ross' blog, Director Blue, reminded me of a name from the past who seems to have escaped mainstream media scrutiny, much less responsibility, for two of the largest fiascos in our recent history, the intelligence failures which led to 9/11 and the...

Freddie Med. Never has a phrase better summed up the danger of Democratic plans to have the federal government run the health care system.What Freddie Mac did for mortgages, Freddie Med will do for health care: A politicized system in which political correctness and social...

I have been waiting for this day, when one of the demonized executives at a bank or insurance company would tell Congress to "take this job and shove it." The person singing this song today is Jake DeSantis, an executive vice president of the American...

Note: This is a cross-post with Gay Patriot. I ask the question, they give the answer.---------------------------------------------------There is a peculiar, somewhat uniquely, Jewish phenomenon. It's called worrying about what is "bad for the Jews." Many have noted this phenomenon before, so I don't claim originality here.Groups...

Here is a link to my article, published in The Ithaca Journal, on how "Risk in the Mortgage Industry Spurred Meltdown": ....