Communist Angela Davis Paid $15,000 for a Virtual Speech at Arizona State U.
“has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice”...
“has been deeply involved in our nation’s quest for social justice”...
“McCall’s research centers on how race, class and culture impact educational equity in music education”...
SCOTUS rules 6-3 in Opinion by Alito....
"The college was of accused of prematurely criticizing political science professor Professor Nicholas Damask for including three quiz questions about Islamic extremism on a quiz."...
"I'm deeply concerned for my kids who are in this district."...
"Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom"...
"We all agree that a culture of compliance is CRUCIAL to containing COVID-19"...
“This has gone too far. This isn't teaching. It's political propaganda.”...
"says he created a school-approved 9-11 memorial and took his hat and mask off briefly for a photo out of respect"...
“You cannot stop us, you cannot block us, we will not be silenced"...
"I hope it’s a wake-up call to our students not to engage in this type of selfish, reckless behavior."...
"students complained of past microaggressions and other insensitive comments"...
"The plan will go into effect on May 11 and will last until June 2021."...
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