The key moment for me in Ann Romney's speech was when she said that Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he helps others: Mitt doesn't like to talk about how he has helped others because he sees it as a privilege, not a political talking...
How many designer blouses could the taxpayers buy Michelle Obama in exchange for the cost of her Spanish vacation? Anne Sorock That's right, the taxpayers could have taken the $467,585 they spent for Michelle's summer vacay to Spain and purchased 492 of Ann Romney's much discussed Reed...
Time Magazine wants attention, and it is getting it: I will fight to my dying breath to preserve the freedom of the depressed former titans of information to run "don't look at that car wreck on the side of the road" covers. And to engage in a bigger mommie...
With friends like this, those who want to defeat Obama don't need enemies. Having savaged Newt Gingrich for months, S.E. Cupp now is coming to the aid of Ann Romney by praising Ann for "marrying up": As a thirtysomething, city-dwelling, hypereducated, independent-thinking woman, I suppose I should...
Put aside, for the moment, the snotty and snide aspect of Hilary Rosen's comment that Ann Romney "never worked a day in her life." Put aside, for the moment, the psychological need of liberal female pundits to belittle a woman who chose a different path in life, while the person...
A post at Bookroom Worm exploring the attacks on Ann Romney is getting a lot of attention: This transcends Leftist feminist sensibilities and touches upon a core issue in statism — namely, who raises the children? ...
It always ends badly: A commenter using the pseudonym “Milwaukeean” has been active here for the past couple of weeks regarding the various court and other disputes in Wisconsin. Milwaukeean didn’t seem to cross the line from dissenter to troll, made some good points at times, and...
I disagree with most of what Matt Lewis says in his post The triumph of political games: 7 reasons to reject ‘Rosengate’: The flap over Hillary Rosen’s comments disparaging stay-at-home-moms like Ann Romney has gotten a lot of play. I’ve been on the record (okay, on...
Twitter was lit up today with the @hilaryr controversy. If you are not on Twitter, you need to be. Both Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney were trending during much of the day. Here are some of the better ones I picked out: Michelle Malkin: "Jim Treacher": Iowahawkblog: Drew M: John Nolte: Dan McLaughlin: Dana...
Hilary Rosen last night: Ann Romney "has never worked a day in her life." Hilary Rosen September 4, 2008: And what about the argument that [Sarah Palin] is a negligent mother who will be distracted from her important role? I am a mother who constantly feels the pressure from others about...
What do 2008 and 2012 have in common? The war on conservative women CNN commenter Hilary Rosen lit into Ann Romney for never having worked a day in her life: And Rosen is doubling down on Twitter: Ann Romney inaugurated her own Twitter account with a response: Update: Rosen, a...
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