We wrote
previously about the scheduled anti-Israel resolutions at the seasonal faculty association meetings in 2015-2016.
We are now in the midst of this season, with the American Historical Association (AHA)
annual meeting in Atlanta this week. Once again, we see an attempt to politicize a reputable scholarly organization by a small group of radicals with an anti-Israel agenda.
On the table at the AHA Business Meeting on Saturday, January 9, 2016, is a resolution condemning Israel's alleged mistreatment of Palestinians in education.
Under the AHA Constitution, if the resolution passes the Business Meeting, it goes to the AHA Council for approval, non-concurrence or veto. If the Council votes not to concur, it goes to a full membership vote.[*]
Unlike resolutions at the
American Studies Association in 2013 (which passed) and currently at the
American Anthropological Association (pending a membership vote), the AHA resolution does not explicitly call on the AHA to adopt the academic boycott of Israel pushed by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Rather, the AHA resolution is similar to the resolution which previously failed to pass a membership vote at the
Moddern Language Association in 2014, denouncing Israel for allegedly violating the academic freedom of Palestinians.
But the AHA resolution is just as much a part of the BDS agenda, and would set the stage in later years for a full BDS resolution at AHA. Where BDS supporters think they can pass a full academic boycott they do; where they think they can't, they try interim steps.
I analyze the AHA resolution below.