House of Reps ‘Hamas Caucus’ Snubs Bipartisan ‘Standing With Israel’ Resolution
Ten House members refused to cosponsor the resolution and introduced an alternative calling for 'cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.'...
Ten House members refused to cosponsor the resolution and introduced an alternative calling for 'cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.'...
"This is racism. This is dangerous. This is journalistic malpractice. I hope other hosts on the network—people like @chrislhayes, @JoyAnnReid, @maddow, @Lawrence, and @alexwagner —stand up for their Muslim colleagues and walk out until MSNBC reverses this indefensible decision."...
"As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid." - Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.)...
“Because small donors are a proxy for enthusiasm, if people aren’t concerned about the drop-off in contributions, then they just aren’t paying attention or whistling past the graveyard”...
"Hi @AOC - are you gonna bust out your white pantsuit and red lipstick for a photo op or do you only care about cages when a Republican is in office?"...
"That field" consists of New Age guru and genuine weirdo Marianne Williamson and decidedly liberal RFK, Jr. ...
Though the alleged perpetrator is so far being held to account, the powerful Democratic figures, pro-abortion dark money groups and activists who fanned the flames and stoked the woke outrage mobs that swarmed the conservative Justices' homes have not been....
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody): "I can't believe people would think these parody tweets are from our office when they are clearly fake. Come on y'all you know I would never say something as stupid as that."...
“Black men deserve to grow old—not be lynched on a Subway because they were having a mental health crisis." - Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D=MA)...
Be careful, darling. It could happen to you. ...
AOC and Senator Ron Wyden call on Biden to "ignore" the ruling, while the Governor of Massachusets says "I won’t let a Trump-appointed, anti-abortion judge in Texas stand in the way of mifepristone access in Massachusetts."...
"Bills like this make schools more hostile. And make no mistake, it results in hate, bigotry and, yes, sometimes death of our students in schools." - Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.)...
The calls come after Bolsanaro's supporters stormed Brazil's government buildings on Sunday....
The committee didn't provide details, but it received two complaints against AOC over her appearance at the Met Gala in 2021....
"Imagine if Democrats like AOC realized they were the employees of the people in their districts and not above them...
“Hell no. Hell no,” Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue said at the time when asked if he planned on bowing to cancel culture mobs and apologizing for his praise of then-President Trump....
"The Amber Heard of Congress."...
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