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Abortion Tag

Former Vice President and current 2020 Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden's stance on abortion has always confused people. As a Catholic, he holds the pro-life view, but let's be honest. You cannot go far in the modern Democratic Party with a pro-life perspective. The confusion came to the forefront today since it seems like Biden flip-flopped on the Hyde Amendment that bans federal funding for abortions. His opponents jumped on the remarks, which makes me think his pro-life voting records on abortion as a senator could come back to haunt him.

The Supreme Court upheld an Indiana law that required a burial or cremation of an aborted human being, but decided to provide an unsigned opinion on the portion of the law that bans abortion based on sex, race, and disability. Vice President Mike Pence signed the bill into law in 2016 when he served as governor of Indiana. Justice Clarence Thomas issued an opinion in support of the Indiana law on abortion restrictions due to eugenics using abortion as a form of eugenics on minorities.

One of the worst and most dishonest arguments from the pro-abortion crowd is that pro-lifers don't care about children once they're here. A particularly grotesque argument maintains it's more charitable to murder an unborn child who might be born into less than affluent circumstances than to ensure their life is protected and honored.

Yesterday, Alabama blew up the internet by passing and then signing into law a heartbeat law, making it possible to prosecute abortion providers who perform abortions after a baby's heartbeat is detected. Despite the minuscule number of abortions performed in the case of rape or incest (which make up an estimated 1.5% of all abortions -- and that's a high estimate), Alabama's bill made no such concessions, leaving one exception only -- the life of the mother.

Sims made the news a few days ago when a video showed that he harassed two teenagers praying outside of a Planned Parenthood. He even offered a reward to dox these girls, aged 13 and 15. Because big shot Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims did not apologize in his supposed "apology" video posted on Twitter. Instead, he expressed regret for his actions since it violated Planned Parenthood's "non-engagement policy."