2012 Election | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2
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2012 Election Tag

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead. I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series...

The wisdom of his age. Profoundly so. Maligned by those who failed us so badly. Profoundly so. Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy...

Yesterday morning—the morning after—I posted this: Barack Obama is the first two-term president in at least 100 years to get fewer votes in his reelection than he did the first time out. (FDR did less well in both his third and fourth terms.) I’d written those words...

Last night after news of Obama's reelection was announced, I headed into downtown Chicago and came across groups of supporters celebrating. The video below was taken of a group that gathered outside the ABC studios. They spoke about how thrilled they were to see that...

in Wisconsin, GOP retakes state Senate and full control of state government: Republicans recaptured the state Senate on Tuesday, once again giving them the complete control of state government that they used to enact sweeping changes in the last legislative session. Yet this, Tammy Baldwin tops Tommy...

I'll have more in the morning, but my quick thoughts. Of course it was a bad defeat tonight.  Let's not kid ourselves. We had a chance to stop the decline, and we didn't. We held the House pretty strongly, so that's good, and a reflection that candidates and...

The time has arrived. You can follow the Legal Insurrection Election Night Twitter Feed embedded below for the fastest results -- no one can type a blog entry as fast as Twitter. The Authors at Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection also will be updating in the dialogue box below...

The live feed for the night will have frequent updates from Twitter feeds -- in my view the best way for you to keep track of results. But here are some resources you may find useful: MAP of closing times, via PJ Tatler via Politico: Politico Election Results...

I cannot at this point verify that this was in fact a Senior Prank, or if it was just a rogue gang of Republican students wanting to make a statement or have a laugh. Whatever the case, my former high school in Cobb County, Georgia has...

There are way too many events today for me to post separately. This is a trial run of what we will do tonight starting at 6 p.m. Eastern, which is a Twitter feed using accounts I selected for today, together with a WordPress "live" feed for me and the other Authors to update (once we reach a certain critical mass of updates, you should be able to scroll through. (I'm also exploring Scribble Live, so we may use that tonight.). READERS CAN POST COMMENTS as usual in the comment section. I will probably leave this "sticky" at the top for a while. Let me know what you think. [TWITTER FEED REMOVED] Click "More" for LI Author updates.

I am going to regret doing this. You can send me reports and photos, and I will selectively post them. If things get overwhelming, as on National Empty Chair Day, I may have to call it off! If you have reports without photos, do not email me,...

Events will move quickly tonight. On the presidential level, we will get a sense of where things are headed when the polls close in Virginia and Florida at 7 p.m. Eastern (8 in the Pandhandle), Ohio and North Carolina at 7:30, and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at 8.  (Closing...

You'd think that after four years of looking forward to Tuesday, I'd have a master plan for the blog for the day. You'd be wrong. I'm still thinking through what to do, but here's the current thinking -- During the day, have a general "Open" thread, with separate posts...

I previously posted about the pro-Republican  television ad being run by Thomas Peterffy with his own money.  I also posted about the Mini-PAC running ads on cable television in black areas of Ohio. I've noticed a number of people taking direct action, putting their own money...

by Chris Christie.  We need to focus on getting out the vote big time.  Sandy has been the perfect political storm for Obama.  It's like calling three consecutive time outs before we were about to kick the winning field goal. We care about New Jersey and the...

Only a few more days of stonewalling and hurt feelings, and Obama may get away with it. If he's re-elected, it's too late to matter.  If he's not re-elected, it's too late to matter. Maybe this is a sign Benghazi is permeating the popular consciousness in time,...