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Barring some BIG or BREAKING news, this will be the last post of 2012. Thanks to all of you for reading, commenting, spreading the links, and creating what I’m convinced is the best online community. Next year should be, ahem, interesting. We have been going...

Fighting the conservative media on Newt, including attempts to strip Newt of his accomplishments and history. Defending Rush against Media Matters and StopRush. Helping advance Mia Love to national attention. Fighting the false racial narrative in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Helping to defeat Richard Lugar....

if you are looking for a last minute tax deduction to help starve the beast. No, not LI, donations here are appreciated but are NOT tax deductible. There are many worthy organizations, but let me suggest one you almost certainly have not heard of, The Alexander Hamilton Insitute for the...

If you haven’t seen it yet, head over to College Insurrection for Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick”, regarding University of Rhode Island assistant professor Erik Loomis. Loomis is outraged that he is being called out: Oooh, the obligatory Glenn Reynolds attack...

Grover Norquist is predicting a second, even larger Tea Party wave, via (h/t Instapundit): “We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence,...

As is obvious from my posts, I never read what people outside the conservative bubble say.  So when you see me critiquing almost daily what liberal (and even worse, libertarian) pudits are saying, it’s all an illusion.  I’m deep in the bubble.  So deep, I...

A liberal feeding frenzy over Ann Coulter's appearance intimidated the University and pressured the College Republicans to cancel

for good health and a wonderful family for the help Anne, Bryan, Joel, Tony and Fuzzy have provided at Legal Insurrection for the help Aleister and Leslie have provided at College Insurrection for the words of encouragement I receive daily for readers who keep coming...

That’s the response I have received so far to my multiple requests for an interview with the Fordham University President, Father Joseph M. McShane. Among other things, I wanted to ask him why he chose uniquely to publicly shame the Fordham Republicans and Ann Coulter, while...

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead. I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide...

I am still trying to obtain an interview with Father Joseph M. McShane, President of Fordham University, who spoke out forcefully condemning the invitation by the Fordham Republicans to Ann Coulter. Robert Shibley of The FIRE notes at College Insurrectionthat Fordham defends its invitation to infanticide...

We posted previously how the Fordham College Republicans cancelled Ann Coulter’s appearance after severe criticism from the university President, College Republicans at Fordham Rescind Invitation to Ann Coulter After Being Attacked by University President. We noted a lament by a student, Fordham College Republican —...

The time has arrived. You can follow the Legal Insurrection Election Night Twitter Feed embedded below for the fastest results — no one can type a blog entry as fast as Twitter. The Authors at Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection also will be updating in the dialogue...

Thanks for your comments on blog format for Election Day. You came down pretty much were I was — not thrilled with those “live blog” formats like CoverIt Live (which has priced me out of contention).  There are alternatives, but I think I have something...