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Tax Prof is out with the year-end 2012 Law Prof Traffic Rankings. We continue to climb, but beware the gathering post-election blog traffic storm.  Think Sandy meets Snowzilla. But for now, it’s blue skies. (Keep in mind that these numbers are based on public Sitemeter...

Aleister at American Glob, who helps at College Insurrection, posted the video below in honor of College Insurrection’s 1000th post.  The video is via You see, Obamaphones is a life philosophy, not a thing. And it’s not just in Cleveland. (language warning)

At College Insurrection yesterday we posted Wash U. — Rape whistles in, guns still out, about the Whistle Program at Washington University in St. Louis. So it was timely that I saw a tweet today about this post by rising star Gabriella Hoffman, Dear Fellow Females:...

We are pleased to announce the launch of Elizabeth Warren Wiki (, the most comprehensive source of information and documentation with regard to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth A. Warren. The site originally was conceived, days before the 2012 election, as The Elizabeth Warren File, a place...

That’s how many Twitter followers we have as of this writing for Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection, respectively. If you are not on Twitter, you need to be.  It’s easy, you can use the same fake name you use here. Then you can follow @LegInsurrection...

In College Insurrection, I recently covered a story showing that North Dakota universities were about the only higher education institutions in the country expecting increased funding.  These revenues are courtesy of the state’s recent oil boom. This is one example of how oil shale may...

This is the 8001st post at Legal Insurrection.  The 8000th post, not by design but by happenstance, was “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” Week at College Insurrection. So maybe this is another good opportunity to say thanks to the many supporters since October...

William A. Jacobson is Associate Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. Prof. Jacobson is a 1981 graduate of Hamilton College and a 1984 graduate of Harvard Law School. At Harvard he was Senior Editor of the...

College Insurrection regularly reports on courses in which aspects of American history are altered to promote a progressive agenda. However, this distortion is not confined to the history of our coutry. One Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) substitute teacher, who has a degree in...

Barring some BIG or BREAKING news, this will be the last post of 2012. Thanks to all of you for reading, commenting, spreading the links, and creating what I’m convinced is the best online community. Next year should be, ahem, interesting. We have been going...

Fighting the conservative media on Newt, including attempts to strip Newt of his accomplishments and history. Defending Rush against Media Matters and StopRush. Helping advance Mia Love to national attention. Fighting the false racial narrative in the Trayvon Martin shooting. Helping to defeat Richard Lugar....

if you are looking for a last minute tax deduction to help starve the beast. No, not LI, donations here are appreciated but are NOT tax deductible. There are many worthy organizations, but let me suggest one you almost certainly have not heard of, The Alexander Hamilton Insitute for the...

If you haven’t seen it yet, head over to College Insurrection for Rhode Island prof demands NRA chief’s “head on a stick”, regarding University of Rhode Island assistant professor Erik Loomis. Loomis is outraged that he is being called out: Oooh, the obligatory Glenn Reynolds attack...

Grover Norquist is predicting a second, even larger Tea Party wave, via (h/t Instapundit): “We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence,...