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Listen up.  I’m sick and tired of your feel good faux-profundity. Does it make you feel good to buy those $4 lattes at Gimme Coffee?  Maybe you should put this bumper sticker on the car too. Spotted by an LI student reader in the Collegetown section...

The only reason, the only reason, the only reason anyone pays any attention to David Frum is that he is the mainstream media’s “useful conservative,” someone who screams about the crazy Republican Party and Tea Party movement. He is worse than a carnival barker, because...

As you know, I’ve been inching closer towards Newt as the not-Romney.  I don’t believe being not-Romney is enough, and of all the remaining candidates, I believe that Newt has the ability to articulate a vision of this country which establishes him as the candidate to...

Traveling all day, now in Palm Desert, CA.  Because there’s almost no way to get there from central New York, we ended up flying into Orange County airport and driving.  Along the way we saw these windfarms — Obama would so proud: From some sneak...

Several readers have called my attention to the National Popular Vote movement, through which various states would agree to vote their electors as a block based upon the winner of the national popular vote: Under the U.S. Constitution, the states have exclusive and plenary (complete)...

Not long ago The Washington Post was digging up rocks from 30 years ago to find dirt about Rick Perry. Now WaPo is digging up immigration papers from 50 years ago about Marco Rubio’s parents, Marco Rubio’s compelling family story embellishes facts, documents show.  The gist of WaPo’s...

Today a bunch of college Dems have created an “Occupy Cornell” event. I don’t know what the objective of this is, but it looks like a pretty pathetic state of affairs in “solidarity.” Here’s the transcript of the “occupation” if your eyes are in need...

Florida Governor Rick Scott is proposing refocusing funding away from liberal arts programs at state universities and colleges, which has various groups accusing Scott of being anti-anthropology, or something like that.  Instapundit has the story and lots of reader comments. Let me suggest that Scott is...

My initial reaction last night was that Rick Perry did not have a good night. My reaction this morning is that he had a disastrous night, possibly ending his chances of getting the nomination unless he gets his act together real soon.  I say “possibly” because...

… something nice to wake up to on a Sunday morning. Sent by reader Linda from Tennessee: [Note: Text corrected, photo not taken on I-24]

One of the greatest mistakes we make is to confuse academic credentials with leadership. Barack Obama, who guards his transcripts like they’re the equivalent of the formula to Coke, presumably had very good grades at Harvard Law School because he graduated with high honors, a purely grade-based...

This is the latest in a serieson the use of the race card for political gain: Democrats in South Carolina are angry (h/t Instapundit) that Gov. Nikki Haley checked the box “white” on a voter registration card a decade ago: The South Carolina Democratic Party...