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Not a bumper sticker, but

Not a bumper sticker, but

… something nice to wake up to on a Sunday morning.

Sent by reader Linda from Tennessee:

[Note: Text corrected, photo not taken on I-24]


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don't tread 2012 | August 21, 2011 at 8:10 am

Such an incredibly racist display of national pride. Has this person never seen the diversity of the ‘Coexist’ theme???

DINORightMarie | August 21, 2011 at 8:37 am

We have a lot of things like that here where I live. Makes it nice to wake up every morning. 🙂

Glad that Linda from TN shared the love.

Have a great day, Professor!

Lovely photo. Lots of places like that in my home state of Indiana. Makes me homesick….