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Hundreds of companies are getting waivers from Obamacare requirements, as reported by Michelle Malkin and others. The issue, Dear Friends, is not the waivers.  Or Obamacare itself. The issue, Dear Friends, is that Dear Leader decides who gets a waiver. Your rights no longer are...

Massachusetts Democrats are among the happiest people on earth because Democrats won all the congressional and statewide races at the mid-terms.  And emboldened by avoiding the wave, Mass Dems think they can defeat Scott Brown in 2012.  As reported by The Boston Herald, Democrats pledge to...

As you know, I’ve been a little out of pocket the past couple of days hanging out at the hospital.  Nice to see that things have remained calm in my absence. My wife had some surgery at a wonderful hospital in Boston with an equally wonderful surgeon.  I...

That seems to be the question the media does not want to ask.  Instead, it all is about whether Republicans have taken a government shut down, or at least a refusal to lift the debt ceiling, off the table. This meme has it backwards. The...

Look, no one recognizes the need to keep spirits high as much as I do.  But at least keep it real, or if not real, at least of this world, or if not of this world, at least of this universe. The award for turning...

After Prof. Jacobson’s introduction, I certainly hope you will find me a suitable addition to Legal Insurrection! It would be wrong of me to ignore the biggest news of the political year in my first post, and I’m sure nobody here will mind being reminded...

Who knew that the gavel carried by Nancy Pelosi on her way to the Obamacare vote actually was a boomerang? And when it came back to hit them last Tuesday, it wiped those smiles right off their faces. ——————————————–Related Posts:Yeah, They Lied (x 10) Pelosi Surrounds...

This will be a running list of my thoughts this election day: The Era of Big Legislation Is Over.  Whether it is a small wave, a tidal wave, or a Tsunami today, the age of Obama-ism is over.  Democrats may hang on to one House...

There is a key difference between Republican and Democratic attacks ads this year.  As I previously noted, Republican attacks focus mainly on policy, such as Obamacare, stimulus, and national deficits and debt.  That’s not to say that there are not individual ads which may get personal,...

Barack Obama, Scott Brown and Michael Steele all will be in Rhode Island today, campaigning for competing candidates in the RI-01 District (my home district, by the way). Obama is flying in for an elaborately catered $7500 per plate fundraiser (menu here) for Providence Mayor David...

I don’t have time today to get into detail on the Michigan trial court decision upholding the Obamacare mandate under the Commerce Clause.  The decision can be boiled down to these three words:  “Inactivity is Activity.” Here is the money quote from the decision (at...

What is it with my law school classmates? First it was Eliott Spitzer. Now it’s Congressman John Adler.  No, not in that way. Adler, a Democrat from southern New Jersey, is a freshman congressman, swept into office on Obama’s coattails in a conservative district.  Adler came...

Everyone is talking about the new Christine O’Donnell advertisement in which she declares “I’m not a witch… I’m you.” [youtube=] Good or bad? My vote is probably good, definitely not bad. O’Donnell has been so maligned because of comments she made in the 1990s, that...

Willing to consider additional examples: What happened to D.B. Cooper. Who killed the Hamas guy in Dubai. What grade Obama received in Con Law. Who spread the Stuxnet malware. Why the Democrats thought Obamacare would be popular. When hope lost out to fear. ——————————————– Related...

The day after Obamacare passed, I wrote Pep Talk.  Seems pertinent today as well: Last night was bad. The law passed by the Senate and House really is that horrible. But it’s the morning after, and your mourning should be over. The mainstream media and...

I have held off commenting on the GOP Pledge to America until I had a chance actually to read it, rather than press reports and punditry analysis. Now that I have read it, I’m in agreement with the approach, which amounts to A Thousand Points...

It’s over.  The race is hopeless.  The Republican candidate has no chance because of past indiscretions which have rendered the candidate a joke, and the electorate has made up its mind in favor of the well-known Democrat. The polls, depending upon which you believe, have...